xx. Amor Platonicus

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It was nice to know she had a friend_

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It was nice to know she had a friend

By the time morning came around Taylor noticed that she wasn't alone in the hospital wing. Instead of the person she expected by her side it was a familiar girl with painted red lips that matched her hair. She seemed invested in eating the chocolate muffin in hand rather than the girl who was in recovery.

After hearing the rustling of sheets Druelle snapped her head up. Her face broke into a smile upon seeing the sleepy girl's eyes closed. Her face didn't bother to mask the relief she felt.

When she first heard that Taylor had been injuried she thought it would somethinh minor, until she found Rabastan teary eyed in the common room. He didn't even bother to hide the fact that he was upset. He sat on the leather sofa with his arms lazily wrapped around his legs. Whenever he looked up his eyes were puffy and red.

" It got to her. " Was all he said.

Whenever the boy learned he rushed to the hospital wing, but they said she wasn't in the condition for visitors. Not long later he went back with some marigolds only for him to be told to come back the next day. So he did this time bringing the redhead with him.

" Rabastan went to grab himself something to eat. We've been waiting for a couple of hours. Madam Lotión told us not to wake you.  "

Taylor looked around trying to find Tom. " What time is it? "

" Almost ten, " Druelle licked her lips before leaning forward. " We were really worried about you. I know we haven't known eachother more than a few weeks, but we care about you. "

Taylor fought off a large smile at that. Instead she settled with a small one. Druelle gave her one back happy to see her happy.

The moment was broken when Rabastan walked in. Once he saw Taylor sitting up he rushed over, almost dropping his breakfast in the process. The grinning boy plopped himself down on the cot before pestering her with questions.

" Taylor, Sweetheart! I was worried about you! Are you feeling better? I brought muffins, do you want a muffin? Or more than one? I don't judge. "

" Rabastan! " Druelle warned him as she kicked his leg.

He shot her an annoyed look before sucking in a deep breathe. He looked back over to Taylor who overall seemed too out of it to function. She fiddled with her hands nervously. Both Slytherins in the room took quick notice to that.

Rabastan knew he was probably smothering her, but he was worried about her. On the same day a girl died. In the same room actually just moments before Taylor did. The Professors wouldn't even tell them what attacked her. They just said it was venomous and she was lucky to be alive. Meaning she almost faced the same fate as Myrtle Warren.

The brunette shook his head not wanting to think about it. She was here now where could  keep a close eye on her. Words could not express how thankful he was that she was alive.

" It's okay, " Taylor attempted to calm the seething redhead down. " A muffin sounds nice. "

He handed her a banana nut muffin before eating a lemon poppyseed one. The trio sat in silence just relishing in eachothers company. That was until the chatty Slytherin could no longer handle the questions floating around in his throat. They came out like uncontrallable vomit.

" What happened and why did it happen? I thought you were a pureblood. Not that it matters or anything, but the monster was attacking muggleborns only. "

Taylor put down her muffin. She only nibbled on it anyways. Her appetite hadn't exactly come back since the experience. She knew Rabastan was sincere and truly didn't care about blood status. Druelle whoever, worried her. When they first met in the great hall she was sneering at the girl. Taylor thought she hated her as much as Walburga did. In all honesty their was a lot of mixed signals going around.

She sucked in a shakey breathe as she now fiddled with the sheets laid ontop of her. " I don't remember much, " That was a lie. " I'm not exactly sure why is happened. I do have a guess, but I don't want to share and be wrong, " Okay there's some truth. " I am of muggle blood. Both my parents are perfectly and unmagically human. " Truth!

Taylor looked over to Druelle worried about her reaction. Only it wasn't a sneer or even malicious at all. It was soft and her eyes held an emotion she couldn't quite detect.

" Taylor you can calm down. We're friends and friends don't judge friends. "

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Tears escaped her grey eyes and rolled down her cheeks. A sob managed fo break free too. Before she knew it Taylor was openingly crying infront of the two.

" Are yoh hurt? Rabastan go get Madam Lotión- " A chair screeched back.

Taylor stopped them before they could overrreact. " No, no I'm fine. It's just that I didn't think you would treat me the same after knowing. "

Druelle's face melted from worry to a much softer one. She wrapped her arms around Taylor and pulled her into a hug. Taylor stood still not quite processing what was happening. Rabastan of course felt inclined to also join the hug. As the too gave her a good squeeze her tears ceased.

Taylor finally joined the hug and let out a happy sigh. It was nice to know she had a friend. It was better to know she had two.


A/n: Cute little fluffy friendship chapter. I feel like we needed something positive added to the mix. Next chapter will have more friendship and a minor love triangle moment.

Anyways Taylors favorite muffin is indeed banana nut, Druelle's is chocolate, Rabastan loves lemon poppyseed, Tom's is pumpkin, Walburga's is cranberry orange, Eldritch enjoys cinnamon oatmeal and Abraxas loves blueberry.

My flavor personally is chocolate with chocolate chunks. What's your favorite muffin?

I hope you liked it and voted!

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