vi. Truth or Dare

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" I'm a woman of my word

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" I'm a woman of my word. "


Of course the party didn't start till nightfall. Unlike the brash Gryffindors the Slytherins knew better than to drink when professors were still awake. This plan forced Taylor to wait it out in the Hufflepuff common room. She didn't bother changing her outfit besides adding a pair of tights underneath her skirt for good measure.

Once the sun started setting she grew more nervous. The Hufflepuff parties consisted of cake, playful dancing to music and board games. She doubted Slytherins would be playing chute and ladders tonight. Rabastan's mention of firewhiskey and the timing of the party only meant danger.

The seventh years in Slytherin were know for their adulterous manners, but Taylor wondering if that would effect tonight. Would her fellow fifth years act the same? She hoped not.

As the sun finally went down, Taylor brushed her waist length hair once more before leaving. The halls were abandoned since everyone was supposed to be in their dorms. Taylor was currently breaking school rules to go to a Slytherin party were she would also be breaking more rules. She frowned at the negative influence her new peers seemed to have on her.

Luckily, for her the only prefects guarding the halls tonight were the two Ravenclaws and she doubted they would put much effort in to catching people. Ravenclaws seemed 'coincidentally' stay near the library and astronomy tower. In all honesty they just minded their business and made sure nobody was messing with their part of the school.

Just in case she was wrong the witch picked up her pace. She attempted to take the long strides she witnessed Tom do, but stopped after tripping. She looked around making sure no one saw before continued towards the dungeons. Finally she reached the doors and stood there.

Tom didn't exactly tell her the password to get in. He just said to show up once it got dark. Taylor did was she would normally do to a door and just knocked on it. Moments later it creaked open and music leaked out. She could see the dim lighting that was even darker than the halls.

The one who opened the door happened to be the one who invited her. She had changed into a tighter black dress than earlier and her green scarf was gone, but she still looked the same. Her smile seemed a little off though.

" Oh, you came! "

Taylor nodded and peaked over her shoulder. She could see Rabastan taking shots at a table with many students cheering him on. She searched for Tom, but didn't manage to find him with the amount of space she was provided.

Druelle looked back inside nervously before looking back at Taylor. " You should've ditched the Puff colors. Everyone here is in black and green. "

Taylor glanced down at her yellow shirt. " It's mostly covered by the cardigan though. Everything else holds no color. "

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