iv. Join Me

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" Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings

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" Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings. "

After giving up on interrogating Taylor Anderson, Tom had went back to his dorms early. Skipping his meal for her was a foolish decision as he gained nothing from it. Never in his life had he met a more useless girl. Her answers were vague and dim. Part of Tom thought she was playing dumb to get out of the situation. Either way he couldn't take it anymore.

Now he sat in his favorite class, potions. Tom had excelled in all his classes, but potions was something that came almost naturally to him. Plus Professor Slughorn adored him.

Tom had sat in the front with Walburga Black at his side. To him the girl was perhaps more intolerable than Taylor. All the raven haired witch did was shamelessly flirt and make snidely comments about blood status. It bored him about her repetition and unoriginality.

Most girls had found Tom attractive and did attempt to go after him on many occassions. Tom wasn't looking for a relationship though. He wanted power. Relationships and feelings such as love wouldn't give him power. Only disappointment.

" You here about the last Quidditch game before break? We're going against those lousy Puffs. "

Tom didn't bother to look up from the textbook in front of him. He let Walburga speak and hoped she would tire herself out.

" I bet that.... "

" Excellent work! You brewed it perfectly Miss Anderson! " Slughorn boasted loudly covering up whatever the Black girl was ranting about.

Tom whipped his head around at the last name and his eyes focused on Taylor. He hadn't noticed her being in here. She sat directly in the middle of the classroom, blending in with everyone else.

He wracked his brain trying to figure out if he's heard about her in here. Once again nothing came up relatively familiar. Taylor Anderson was still a complete mystery.

As soon as the class was dismissed Tom pushed past Walburga straight to the hufflepuff girl. She was still sitting in her seat when he reached her. She didn't look shock that he approached her. It almost felt as if she expected it.

" You have classes with me. How many? "

Taylor shrugged her shoulder and her face remained solemn. " Maybe you should be more aware of your surroundings. "

Tom gritted his teeth at the disrespect. No one talked to him like that. Not if he had anything to do about it.

" I can still turn you into Dumbledore. " He threatened.

Her eyes flickered for a moment and it dawned on Tom about her eyes turning red. Another thing added to his list of questions about the girl.

" I joined you for dinner. You were the one that made out announcement of leaving. "

" You should thank me for that- "

" -You threw my cat at the tree- "

" -They were going to humiliate you. I got you out of that situation. " He hissed.

" That you put me in. " She accused, her voice remaining quiet.

Tom stared her down once again thinking of what to do. He had to be quick on his feet around her. Normally, people agreed with him without much thought. She was frustrating him beyond repair.

Suddenly, Tom was grateful for Walburga Black, something he never thought he would be, for talking his ear off. He also thanked himself for his impeccable memory.

" Slytherin versus Hufflepuff is coming up is it not? I assume you're going. "

The Hufflepuff nodded her eyes now narrowed. Taylor was trying her best to read him, but it was near impossible. Tom's mask was screwed on too tight.

" Meet me outside of the Slytherin common room. We'll go together. "

To anybody listening they would assume it was an offer, but Taylor knew better. This was a command. One that she did not have much of a choice in. She didn't know Tom that well, but one thing was certain, if she didn't go he would mosy definitely come searching for her.

She could always hide out in the unknown location of the Hufflepuff common room. That was always an option. Better yet, she could sit in the kitchen with the elves like usual. Only a few of her fellow puffs knew she did that, but they didn't know who exactly she was. Still they would never give away her location especially to someone of another house. Taylor was forever grateful of the loyalty of her house.

Before Taylor could answer him the Slytherin had walked away. She silently cursed herself for not putting her foot down. The last thing she wanted was to become a lackey.


A/n: This chapter was shorter, but so is Tom's patience. And of course I made them have potions together! I'm clearly setting them up for the classic Amortentia trope. Also I revealed why she's never in the great hall. She eats with the elves!

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