Of The Same Mind (LoreKi)

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There was never a dull moment between the two academic rivals of Clark High—Lorelei Rios and Loki Mendez. They always bickered whenever the have the chance, and their ears are only open to one another. Just like what's happening right now.

"Oh, shut up! It's only one point!" Lorelei exclaimed. 

"At least, I'm still a point higher," Loki calmly responded. "don't tell me you studied all night? Poor you, still had a lower score than mine."

"You arrogant jerk!"

It made no sense. Lorelei studied hard and even listened intently to her teachers, yet she always gets a lower score than Loki—who never reviewed, not once, and doesn't even listen to the discussions.

"Stored knowledge? Pfft. As if. He forgets the names of the people he encounter every day. How much more a simple discussion?" Lorelei thought while baring her teeth. Loki snickered before patting her head.

"Calm down," Loki spoke. "you look hideous. It's as if you're a stray dog who got loose while on a walk with its owner. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk."

He left Lorelei fuming mad at his insults. It is their usual routine, nothing new. Lorelei, despite being angry, tried to suppress it. Right. Instead of crying over spilled milk, she needs to make sure that she gets a score higher than Loki this time.

"I'll make sure I'll ace the exams and shove my straight A results into your face you mocking a*sh*le."


Their fourth quarter examinations came at last. Lorelei felt confident that she would ace all of the exams. After all, she studied strenuously for this. She's going to make sure that she'll surpass Loki, and she would.

"Good morning, Lori!" Jamie greeted her with a smile on her way to the classroom. They're not classmates, but clubmates and very close friends. Lorelei smiled back and greeted Jamie a good morning. 

"Oh, are you going to surpass Loki this time?" she teased. Jamie knew that Lorelei never had a score that was higher than Loki's. 

"Yes, and I'll shove my test papers into his face after that!" Lorelei spoke with determination. Jamie chuckled in response.

"God Bless you!"

"You too, Jamie!"

She heaved a sigh before clutching the doorknob. Her ideal picture of a beautiful morning shattered into pieces when Loki's dead-bored face greeted her at the door's entrance.

"I see that you've dedicated and studied well this time," Loki commented, eyes on Lorelei's reviewers and notes.

Lorelei raised a brow and smiled. "I did. Be ready for your humiliation, Mendez."

Loki closed the gap between them. "We'll see, Rios."

Lorelei felt the urge to slap the papers in Loki's face, but she calmed herself down. Showing any hint of anger towards her rival would please him. She needs to look as if she wasn't fazed at all. With her chin held high, she bumped into Loki's shoulder before seating herself in front of the class. Loki sneered, closed the door, and sat behind his rival. 

"I need to have an inspiration to ace my tests, right? Her big head would be enough." Loki thought as he stared at his rival seated in front of him. 

As soon as their professor arrived, tension rose inside the classroom. Test papers were distributed and they were given enough hours to answer all of their exams.



The ball rang, signaling the end of their exams. Lorelei sighed and stretched before fixing her things to leave the room. She was proud that she knew the items, and she's confident that she'll ace them this time. Loki watched her go out of the classroom as his lips formed into a curve.

"Rios, overconfidence would be the cause of your downfall." He thought.

Two days passed after their exams, the Professor came to announce the results. Lorelei heaved a deep breath before looking at her scores. Her face lit up when she saw that the results were high. Unfortunately, she got two mistakes in her Math examination.

"I would like to congratulate this year's top student," the Professor said. "Mr. Louis Kingsley Mendez."

Lorelei's mouth gaped as her shoulders dropped. 

"Loki won... again."

Loki stood up to shake hands with the Professor. After class, Lorelei caught up with him in a quiet corridor.

"How?" she asked. "How did you become the top student?"

Loki faced her. "I studied."

"You don't study." Lorelei's fists formed into knuckles. "Did... did you cheat your way through?"

"Pfft. HA-HA-HA!" Loki's laughs echoed in the corridor. It's as if it was the funniest thing he's ever heard in his entire life. "I thought you know it already. Did I overestimate your abilities?"

Lorelei looked shocked. So, all this time, Loki was cheating while she was studying her ass off just to get high grades?

"Y-You..." Lorelei felt angry. It is unjustified! It's unfair! "I-I'm going to report you to the teachers!"

Loki smirked. "Do you have evidence? A good detective must not rely on theories alone."

"I'll make sure that you'll be punished, Mendez," Lorelei spoke, teeth gritting.

He walked near her and placed his face near hers. "I'd like to see you try, Rios."

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