Exception (LoreThor)

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"A QUIZ BEE competition in Manila?" asked Lorelei. The Principal nodded his head as he turned it toward the companion of the woman. 

"Mr. Vice President here would accompany you. The council President was supposed to go with you to Manila, but she has duties to comply with."

'I thought Luthor calls the shots here. Why let Emeraude stay instead of him? He already hates legwork. How much more going out of Pampanga?' thought Lorelei.

"If I may ask?" Lorelei timidly raised her hand. The Principal acknowledged it. "Why is Mr. Vice President accompanying me instead? I mean, why not anyone else?"

The Principal pushed back the bridge of his glasses. "Mr. Vice President volunteered to do so."

Eh? Why would THE Lucian Thoren Mendez do that?

"O-Oh. I see." She turned to the stoic man sitting beside her. He was going to accompany her to Manila, and the mere thought of it sent shivers down Lorelei's spine.

'It's going to be fine, Lori. It's going to be... right?'

IT HAS BEEN two days after the announcement, and they're ready to go. Inside the van, with the other Clark High representatives in different competitions, Lorelei and Luthor sat next to each other in the backseat. It's the most comfortable and spacious part of the vehicle.

"Are we all complete?" Sir Jim Morayta, the assigned teacher for the team, popped his head from the shotgun seat.

"Yes, sir!"

The van started its engine and slowly drove its way to Manila, the capital city of the Philippines. During the ride, Lorelei felt her eyes close due to exhaustion. She stayed up late until midnight to study for the upcoming competition. She fought the urge to sleep but failed. Accidentally leaning her head on Luthor's left shoulder, Lorelei fell into a deep slumber.

On the other hand, Luthor completely froze from shock. When he recovered, he decided to make this an exception. There would definitely be no next time. She's tired, and he's being thoughtful. That's all there is to it.

It took at least two hours to travel to Manila and at least an hour to arrive at their hotel due to heavy traffic. The van came to a halt upon reaching the parking lot. Luthor noticed that Lorelei was still asleep.

"Lorelei?" he whispered. The sleeping woman let out a soft groan before opening her eyes. Realizing that they have arrived, she stood from her chair and went out of the van. Luthor chuckled to himself when he saw that Lorelei left her bag inside the van. He carried it and followed her to the hotel.

"We will be in one suite but in different rooms," Luthor told Lorelei and gave her the extra card key. "the other suites are fully booked, and the both of us are the ones who were late to reserve one. Is it okay with you?"

Lorelei nodded her head and picked up her bag from the floor. "It's fine!"

Luthor breathed a sigh of relief. They both entered the elevator after talking to Sir Jim and exchanging, "See you later"s with each other.

Lorelei unlocked Suite No. 43 and pushed the door open. They were welcomed by a luxurious-looking living room with curtains of white and dark brown hues draping on the windows. A 100-inch cinematic black flat Samsung television was seated on top of a black and gold table with four drawers. A black vase with gold rings stood beside the table containing a white flower with green stems. 

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