A Southern Meeting

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Thank you SmashingAsh98 for helping me with figuring out the Governors.

Delaware's POV

The state of emergency had finally ended. I was ready to head back to Da's house now, even though I knew my siblings would interrogate me for my disappearance. Especially Rhode Island, New York, and Palau.

I didn't want to deal with that. But it looked like I had no other choice. With a sigh, I brought myself to Da's house.

Bracing myself for dizziness, I was relieved when it didn't happen. I was fine. I began walking to Da's office, only wanting to fill him in on what happened. If I was lucky, no one would spot me."

"Delly!" I heard New York say. Shit. Guess I wasn't lucky.

"Hey Apple." I said turning to face him, a fake smile plastered on my face. I just needed to make him think everything was okay so he would go away.

"Are you okay? You haven't been here in a month! What happened? Why did you almost pass out? Why did you leave? Why did you lie?" He asked rapidly.

"I'm fine New York. I just got busy." I answered. New York frowned.

"And the almost passing out?" He asked.

"I...I was just sleep deprived. So that threw off my balance. I didn't want to worry anyone though, so I didn't say anything." I answered, surprised at how easily the lie rolled off my tongue. New York looked skeptical.

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm fine Apple. Nothing bad is happening." I told him, pushing away the memories of Governor Terry's ominous words. It would be fine. Governor Terry wouldn't hurt me. I would be fine. New York sighed.

"I'll trust you Delly. But please promise you will tell me if something is up?" New York asked. I thought about the riot laws, and the weird behavior Governor Terry was displaying. Should I tell New York about that?

I looked at my brother's worried face, and decided not to. Some odd behavior wasn't enough to raise an alarm.

"I'll tell you if something bad happens. Promise York." New York gave me a relieved smile.

"Thank you Delly." He said. I smiled back, pushing aside the guilt. Whatever was happening with Governor Terry was not enough to raise an alarm.

I would be fine.


Maryland's POV

"Ginny!" I called as my sister and her governor entered the room, "Have you seen Delly?"

Virginia shook her head, before answering, "No. Maybe he just hadn't arrived yet. You worry too much Mary."

"Governor Terry is here. Del's not. And all Governor Terry is saying is that 'everyone from the state of Delaware who needs to be here is here.'" I told her. Virginia frowned, looking more concerned now.

"Okay, that is odd. But maybe Del is somewhere else, or arriving later. We won't know for sure until this meeting starts. Try to stay calm, okay?" Virginia said. I nodded.

"Alright. But I still find it weird. Especially since Delly hasn't come home in a month. I'm a bit worried for his safety." I said. Virginia put her hand on my shoulder.

"I know you are worried that he hasn't been back, but you visited him in his state, and he was fine. You saw he was fine. He is fine, even if he hasn't come home for whatever reason." She said. I smiled, knowing Virginia had a point.

"Thanks Ginny." I said. Virginia and I continued to talk about random topics, as each of our (southern) siblings filed in, with their Governor in tow.

But still no Delaware.

"It looks like everyone has arrived. Shall we begin?" Governor Terry asked. The other states and governors looked confused.

"Señor, Delaware is not here yet." Florida pointed out.

"Delaware is unable to attend this meeting. He had business to take care of. But Delaware did look over things that we might possibly talk about, and approved any points I make. Just so he could still have a contribution even if he is not in attendance." Governor Terry explained.

"What business does he have to take care of?" Virginia asked.

"We are not here to talk about Delaware, we are here for other reasons, like discussing laws to help keep order and other actions like that." Governor Terry said. I frowned, not liking how Governor Terry was deflecting from the topic.

"Yes. We are. If you are so concerned about your brother, talk to him after this." South Carolina's governor, Governor McNair, said. Virginia frowned, but nodded.

"Shall we continue then?" Governor Hilton, Virginia's governor asked. Everyone nodded in agreement, although some of us reluctantly. I was still worried. The worry kept me from being able to focus on what topic was being talked about, as my mind kept coming up with worse case scenarios.

I did try to focus on the conversation, and I shouldn't be as worried as I was, but I was Delaware's older sister after all, even if no one else knew that.

"...keep order in place." I heard Governor Wallace, Alabama's governor say. I quickly tuned back into the conversation, wondering what I had missed in my worry.

"One should not underestimate how powerful a deterrent the whipping post can be and the sight of state police in riot gear." Governor Terry said. I blinked. I definitely missed something.

"So you aren't getting rid of the whipping laws?" Kentucky asked. Governor Terry shook his head.

"And Delly agrees with this?" Arkansas asked, skeptical.

"Of course he does. Like I said, everything I saw here has been pre-approved by your brother." Governor Terry said. I exchanged looks with Virginia and Arkansas. Delaware would have never agreed to that statement. He's complained about the whipping law multiple times.

So why is Governor Terry lying about Delaware's opinions and location?

"I think Governor Terry makes an excellent point." Governor Wallace said.

"About Dels supporting his opinion?" West Virginia asked, confusion in her voice.

"No, about the police and whipping posts being a powerful deterrent!" Governor Wallace clarified.

"Are you sure Delly said he supported that?" Oklahoma asked.

"Yes I'm sure! Why do all of you seem to insist on ignoring my word?" Governor Terry said. Texas sighed.

"Let's just move on before we start arguing endlessly. If y'all are really so worried 'bout Del's opinion, ask him about it later." Texas said. And with that, the conversation moved on. This time I was paying attention, wanting to listen to everything Governor Terry said.

Something just seems off about everything. Governor Terry seemed to claim Delaware supported a lot of things he's never supported before. It was worrying.

Once the tense meeting wrapped up, I was approached by Virginia, Kentucky, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.

"Tell Del?" Oklahoma asked as we exited the meeting.

"Tell Del." I said with a nod.

He would want to know about this.

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