Chapter 6: Winners And Losers

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The second day went by pretty quickly.

We played against Karasuno and Inarizaki played against Nekoma.

We won our match against Karasuno and Inarizaki won against Nekoma.

Karasuno was a tough team, their defense was insane, but their offense was even better.

We pulled off the win though, and now, on the third day, we were once again facing off against Inarizaki.

It was an even tougher game than I remembered.

Atsumu's skilled seemed sharper than before and Akagi was constantly saving my shots.

But after a long, difficult game...

We won with a score of two to one.

Atsumu congratulated me on my goal, though he looked kind of disappointed.

No, not disappointed...



He looked... Scared?

I was really worried.

His team, except Akagi, looked angry.

He'd scored their only goal and they still lost.

Akagi looked worried as well.

When I took Atsumu's hand to shake it after the match as a thanks for the game, I noticed that he was shaking.

He didn't say anything at all though, he kept his eyes trained on the ground the entire time.

The award ceremony arrived, we came first, Inarizaki in second and Karasuno, who had beaten Nekoma in the match for third place, came third.

After that, we went to the hostel to pack up our things before leaving to go back to home.

The outdoor hockey season was officially over.

I was thinking of doing indoor, but I kind of wanted to focus on my studies a bit.

Maybe next year I'll do indoor...

I decided to text Atsumu, I hadn't spoken to him since he congratulated me on the win.

I was really worried...


Hey Atsumu
I wanted to ask if you're okay?
You looked a little out of it after the match...

I waited for his reply but none came.

The messages were delivered but he didn't read them.

I sighed before typing a few last messages.

You're probably busy or sleeping...
Text me when you can?

Hot🔥 is offline

I closed my messaging app before  opened up Spotify and putting on my headphones.

I really hope that Atsumu is okay...

I know that I haven't known him for that long, but we get along really well and I'm kind of hoping that our friendship will only get stronger...

Maybe it will turn into something more than just friendship...

I sighed as I watched the trees zip by through the bus windows as we drove back towards Itachiyama.

Astro-burn (SakuAtsu Atsro/Indoor Hockey AU) Where stories live. Discover now