Chapter 9: Crying And Cuddles

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I was kind of worried about what Atsumu wanted to talk to me about.

I knew it was the reason for him suddenly transferring to Itachiyama, but it made me a bit nervous.

I also haven't seen Atsumu in person in so long, sure, we caught up a bit throughout the day, but we were going to be alone this time.

I knocked on the door to room 382.

I heard shuffling inside before the door opened and Atsumu gestured for me to enter the room, so I did.

He sat down on his bed and I sat down next to him.

"So what's the story?" I asked.

He took a shaky breath.

"I'm sure ya've noticed that my old team was never exactly happy whenever we won games..."

I did notice that, so I just nodded.

"Well... I moved schools 'cause they never included me in anythin'... They hated me... At the beginnin' of last year, they kicked me off the team group chat, an' Kagi had to tell me everythin'... Samu never stood up for me or defended me, he always went along with 'em, an' they started to degrade me... Kagi defended me as much as he could, but it didn't stop..."

My eyes widened as he continued his story.

"They sometimes stopped passin' to me durin' matches, but they didn't do it often 'cause they said that they 'unfortunately needed me to score goals for 'em'... But it was a different story in trainin'... Whenever we played mini matches against each other, they always body-played me really aggressively, enough to cause things like this..."

He slowly lifted his t-shirt enough for me to see the enormous bruises on the side of his torso.

He lowered his shirt before continuing.

"Kagi told me that they were jus' jealous of my skills, but..."

He paused to take a shaky breath as he was blinked back tears.

"But I... I got sick of it... An' when Kagi told me he was moving schools, it nearly broke me... So I asked my mom if I could move schools as well an' she said yes... She knew that my mental state wasn't really good 'cause of Inarizaki, but she doesn't know the extent of it... I-I never told her 'bout Samu or the team."

His voice broke as he finished.

The tears streamed down his cheeks and dripped into his lap as his gaze lowered.

It made my heart burn with anger to see him like this.

So it was those assholes after all?

I wrapped my arms around Atsumu's waist and pulled him towards me into a tight hug.

He cried into my chest as I rubbed his back.

I swear if we ever have another match against them, I will destroy them.

I'll drag their asses through the dust.

I won't let them hurt Atsumu anymore.

And Osamu?

Oh, I swear if I see him again, you can bet that I'm not pranking him.

Just one really well-aimed back-swing is all it'll take and he'll be hospitalized.

I tightened my grip around Atsumu, making sure to take note of his bruises, as his sobs became quiet sniffling.

"Don't worry, Atsu, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore," I declared.

I will protect him no matter what.

Nobody hurts my Atsu.

Not if they want to deal with me.

He slowly pulled away from me as I loosened my grip.

"Thank ya, Omi..." He said before hugging me again.

I returned the hug as I laid back onto the bed, pulling him down with me.

He laid his head on my chest as I played with his hair.

"Thank you for telling me," I replied.

He nodded but he stayed silent.

The sound of soft sniffles and our breathing filled the room as I stared at the ceiling with my fingers trailing through Atsumu's hair.

The soft sniffling soon turned into light snoring as Atsumu fell asleep.

He was probably exhausted from all the crying.

I set an alarm for half an hour before dinner and then closed my eyes as well, slowly drifting off into sleep.


I woke up to the sound of an unfamiliar alarm.

I tried to get up, but something was holding me down.

I opened my eyes to see that I was lying on top of Sakusa while he had his arms wrapped around my waist.

I tried to break free of his grip, but he only pulled me closer.

I guess all my squirming woke him up though, because his eyes fluttered open.

My breath hitched as he smiled at me.

He sat up, bringing me with him and placing me on his lap.

He kept one of his arms wrapped securely around my waist as he reached over to his phone and switched off the alarm.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked.

My face flushed as I nodded.

"That's good... I'm glad you told me," he said as he ruffled my hair.

I felt my face burn red.

"Isn't it dinner soon?" I asked, changing the subject.

He nodded as he finally loosened his grip and let me stand.

I honestly missed the warmth of his arms around me, but I ignored the feeling.

He stood up next to me and put his hands on my shoulders as he looked me dead in the eyes.

"If anyone hurts you again, and I mean anyone, even if it's a teacher, tell me and I'll gladly deal with them," he said with a serious expression on his face.

"Thank ya, Omi..."

And then it hit me.

He probably sees me as some helpless teenager who needs protection from the world...

Why the fuck did I decide to tell him??

I fucking hate myself...

He probably thinks of me as an idiot who can't stand up for himself...

Am I overthinking again?

Don't cry.

Not again.

I don't want Sakusa to think I'm weaker than he already does...

But he probably already thinks that so what's the use?


I have to stay strong.

This year is going to be better for me.

I know it.

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Anygays, bye!

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