Chapter 18: Costumes

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It was fun having Atsumu on the team.

Though most of our conversations were filled with playful insults and friendly rivalry.

I'm pretty sure that the team thinks that we hate each other.

Atsumu and Hinata are pretty close.

They're always talking and making jokes.

I hate it.

I'll admit it, okay?

I'm jealous.

But if you and your best friend from high school reconnect after two years of no contact, and they look like that...

Trust me, you'd feel the same.

And those thighs...

Okay, let's not get started on those thick, juicy, muscular-

I'm going to stop myself right there.

Next topic!

Now, with this costume party thing, I really wanted to impress Atsumu somehow...

You know, just something to get him to pay attention to me, that's all.

So I called my favorite cousin, Motoya, he's also my only cousin, but we don't talk about that.

He said that he was going to talk to Akagi.

Ah, yes...

Who knows Atsumu better than me?


That's who.


"Kawa, is this really necessary?"

We were standing in a costume store and Oikawa was flicking through a rack of some very... Provocative costumes.

"Yes, yes!! Try this one!"

I looked at the outfit in his hands and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not wearin' a turquoise maid costume with bunny ears, Kawa," I deadpanned.

"Ugh... Boring..." He said as he put the costume down, "I'm pretty sure Sakusa would be into that, he likes things clean right?"

I didn't even bother replying to that.

I played with the thought for a bit before deciding that it was stupid.

I was really tired.

It was a Saturday, yes...

But when an Oikawa Tooru wakes you up at six in the morning to go costume shopping...

It can really take a lot out of a person.

We walked around a bit more.

I kept turning down Oikawa's weird costumes.

"No, Kawa, I'm not dressin' up as a cheerleader, nor a school girl, so stop showin' 'em!" I sighed.

"Aww... But you'd look good in them..." He pouted.

"I- What??? Ya think I'd look good in a skirt??" I asked.

"Of course you would! Come on, just try this one on!!" He begged as he held up the turquoise maid costume with the bunny ears.

I sighed.

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