Chapter 2

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3 Years Later

"I'm so sorry I'm late." I say as I come to a skidding halt, out of breath.

"You're not late. I purposefully told you an earlier time so you wouldn't be late." My brother, Reed, told me with a smirk.

"Wow... Just wow." Touché brother, touché. There was a bang followed by the screech of burning metal. We looked up, taking in the giant statue of Victor Von Doom that dominated the courtyard at the front of his office building.

"Leave it to Von Doom to construct a thirty-foot statue of himself." Ben Grimm, my brother's best friend and right-hand man, said in disgust.

"I'm pretty sure that his ego has only gotten bigger since college. But if you ask me, he's clearly overly-compensating for something." I said. This caused Ben to let out a huge laugh, scaring the people rushing past us to clock-in on time.

"It's clearly aimed at first-time visitors to create feelings of smallness, inadequacy." Reed said, either ignoring my joke or unknowingly letting it go over his head.

"Good thing it ain't working." Ben says, slapping his shoulder as we begin to walk inside.

"Remind me again why we've stooped so low that we need to ask Victor Von Doom for help?" I ask, Ben nodding in agreement.

"Yeah I mean this guy is strip mall science. What does he know?" Ben added.

"If you'll both remember, this wasn't our first stop." Reed reminds us. Ok, fair point. I really didn't like Victor. His constant need to be in competition with my brother in school, when he really couldn't compete, was beyond annoying then. Now he has the family money, and a successful business, as well as other things. Meanwhile, Reed and I are struggling to keep the lights on.

Right before Reed was to begin his presentation, I excused myself to go to the restroom. I didn't want the front row seat to watch my brother kiss ass so we could get funding. I splashed water on my face, trying to wash away the weariness that set in the more we got rejected. I dried my face, throwing out the used paper towels before exiting the bathroom, running into someone in the process. "I'm so sorry." I said as I looked up. "Sue?!" I asked.

"Jacqueline?" She asked, just as excited. We squealed a little and hugged. It had been forever since I'd seen her.

"How'd you end up working here of all places?"

She blushed before she answered. "I had applied as a way to get your brother's attention. Wasn't one of my finer moments but after we broke up, I decided to just go for it. It's not that bad. I actually get to do what I went to school for and Victor's not too bad."

"I'll take your word for it on that last one. Have you heard from him lately?" I asked quietly, not needing to elaborate. Right after my falling out with Johnny, Sue had reached out and we had met up for lunch.

"You know Johnny. He hasn't changed much."

"Seriously? Guess that shows just what our friendship meant to him." My words might have been harsh but the look on my face showed how much it hurt.

"So you still love him?"

"I'll never know how you're able to do that. But to answer your question, yes. I don't think I've ever stopped." She pulled me into a final hug before we entered Victor's office. Ben was complaining about something to Reed. I didn't catch it but Sue did.

"He's right Ben. It is just business." I would've given anything to see the look on Reed's face right now. Ben came over and gave Sue a hug.

"Jacqueline." Victor said in way of greeting.

"Victor..." I returned with a frown.

"Susan, you're just in time to see the great Reed Richards ask me for help." The men ironed out the money details and pretty soon Sue was escorting us to the elevator.

Once we were inside and Sue had pressed the button to take us to the first floor, she turned to my brother. "Reed, you should know that those solar winds are picking up speed."

"I factored them into my coordinates."

"Right. Of course you did. In theory." Oh this was gonna be good. Ben and I were shifting behind them, our eyes going back and forth like a tennis match. "It's a little different once you're out there." Reed was about to respond when I pinched his back discreetly and elbowed Ben to jump in.

"When are we leaving?" Nice save Ben...

"I'll be scheduling the launch. Jacqueline has my number, she can reach out to me in the morning for resources and crew," before handing Reed her card.

"I think I remember the number."

"It's been changed." Shit! Sue-1, Reed-0. Ben clears his throat and I see a look pass between the two of them.

"As far as crew, I was hoping Ben could pilot the mission." He says, going to stand beside him. They both looked so hopeful, I couldn't help but laugh.

"We already have a pilot on our payroll. But you're welcome to ride shotgun." I let out another laugh. "You remember my brother, Johnny?" I choke on the air I took in on that last laugh. Well shit! I guess the joke's on me...

The elevator dinged, signaling that we'd arrived on the ground floor. Sue gave me a look in apology for dumping that news on me. I gave her a small smile, silently telling her it was fine. This was going to be a long next couple of days...

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