Chapter 16

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We enter the club and I see Reed in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by women... He's dead. I hold Juliette close to my chest, trying to shield her from all of this.

"There he is," General Hager says, clearly amused by this turn of events. Under different circumstances I would find Sue ready to kill my brother amusing but the similarities between this and Johnny, I just couldn't find the amusement.

"Yes... Unfortunately... For him." Sue says, sending daggers at him. Reed finally spots us and I laugh at the look on his face. "Shall we?" she asks.

I see Ben and Johnny attempt to hide from Sue as she walks past. I sneak over to them. "I think it might be clobbering time." I hear Ben say.

"For more than just Reed." I say, making them both jump.

Ben laughs. "Jackie! It's been too long!" He says, doing his best to hug me and not crush the baby. "And who's the squirt?"

I see Johnny's eyes widen as he takes in the little girl in the sling hooked around my chest. "This is Juliette." I whisper as Ben makes funny faces at her. "Hi Johnny."

"Hi Jack." He says, his eyes not leaving the baby. We're saved from any more awkwardness by General Hager's people coming and leading us towards the back, away from the noise.

We're led into the kitchen as Ben explains to Sue how we knew the general. "I'm only here Richards because I'm on direct orders from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Personally, I don't like sharing sensitive information with a civilian scientist. Especially one who enjoys the public spotlight so much."

"Always a pleasure to see you General. What can I do for you?" The general goes on to explain about the freak global occurrences that have been all over the news.

"These were taken by one of our spy satellites three days ago." The female captain says.

"What is it?" Sue asks.

"We hoped Dr. Richards could tell us." Hager says.

"I'm afraid I've never seen anything like it. Ben, Jackie?" I come up behind Ben to look at the photos Reed just handed over.

"I would say that it was a meteor but the trail's all wrong." Ben states.

"Whatever this is, it's giving off its own energy." I add.

"Take a look at this." Hager says before the captain hands over more pictures.

"These have been appearing in remote areas throughout the world since the events started." I hear Johnny clear his throat before he throws her a flirtatious smile, quirking his brow. She rolls her eyes as if annoyed but I can see the pleased smile that she's trying to hide. I scoff at the whole interaction, causing Juliette to let out a squawk as the vibrations in my chest scare her.

I bounce around a little and she settles again, looking around before her eyes settle on Johnny and she smiles. I watch him give her a goofy smile before realization dawns on him as he looks at her eyes, his eyes.


We both walk outside and Captain Raye is there waiting for her ride. I watch as Johnny approaches her and I roll my eyes as he attempts to flirt. Once again she puts up a front that she's not interested but I can see through it. She's pleased that the playboy Johnny Storm is showing her interest.

I scoff and start walking back towards the Baxter Building, glad that although it's not cold, I put Juliette in long-sleeved pajamas before we left. I hear a car door slam and she drives away, leaving Johnny standing there talking to himself. He sees me watching and runs, catching up before slowing to walk beside me. "I think we need to talk." He says, looking down at Juliette.

"I guess we do."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"The last time we spoke you weren't sure you even wanted kids, and then you left me with an empty room and annulment papers. I wasn't going to force you into a marriage and fatherhood."

"Why didn't you come back?"

"I didn't think you wanted me to. Why didn't you try to find me?" I ask, looking up at him. This is getting too emotionally heavy. I was feeling emotions I wasn't sure if I was ready to be dealing with again. I step away, breaking whatever spell was holding us together.

"Can I hold her?" He asks, looking back at our daughter. I nod, expertly unhooking her from my chest so Johnny can take her. He held her the whole walk home, baby talking to her and laughing at every giggle that she gave him.

Maybe I could move home...

Maybe I could move home

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