Chapter 25

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We get back to the room and fill the rest of the team in on what we found out. "The board is what draws it here." I finish explaining. 

"How do you fight something that eats planets?" Johnny asks. 

"We have to get that board and lead it away from here." Reed says,

"Well do you think the general will go for that?" Ben asks.

"He won't have a choice," I say solemnly. We get out of the room and run down the hall, looking for General Hager when a piece of the wall shoots out and down the hall at us. Johnny pulls us into the wall, shielding my body with his own, while Sue throws herself to the ground on the other side. 

"Are you ok?" he asks me, looking me over. 

"Yeah, I think so." The three of us look to see the piece of concrete wall lodged into the wall behind us. 

"Ben!" Johnny shouts.

The concrete falls, revealing Ben behind it. "Ok, that one hurt." he says. 

"Where's Reed?" Sue asks, looking around.

"Back here," came his muffled reply from behind Ben. Ben removes himself from the wall, to show Reed, squished into the wall, his body covered in the markings of the stones that now make up Ben's skin, flat as a pancake.

"My bad." Ben says. We run to the room where the board was being kept, taking in the damage that was caused. The container is destroyed. I saw bodies of soldiers strewn about the room. I approach one, checking for a pulse, choking back tears when I find none. 

"Reed," Sue says, and we see the broken remains of General Hager. I let out a shaky breath and Johnny pulls me to him, comforting me.

"Victor." Reed says angrily. "We gotta get it back."

"We need the Surfer." I say. "He's the only one who understands its power."

"Even if we break him out, how are we going to catch up to Victor?" Ben asks.

Reed and I share a look. "Did you ever finish it?" I ask. He nods his head, excitedly. 

"Leave that to me." Reed says, messing with his phone, programming it to meet us up top before we make a run for the Surfer.

Ben busts down the wall to the interrogation room. "Halt! Stay where you are!" the soldiers guarding him yell. Sue encases them in a forcefield bubble, suspended in the air.

I laugh, "It looks like you'll be staying where you are, actually." The team turns to look at me. "I've been spending way too much time with Johnny." He smirks.

We enter the area where the Surfer is strapped to the table. "Pal, this is the luckiest day of your life." Ben tells him as Reed and I run to unstrap him before Reed takes his arm over his shoulder and we run from the room and down the hall, only to be met with the business end of Captain Raye's side arm. 

"What the hell is going on? Where is General Hager?" she asks. I grow annoyed, my fists lighting up before Johnny grabs me and holds me in place. 

"He's dead." Reed says.

"And if we don't get him outta here," I say, pointing back at the Surfer, "We'll all be too."

"Frankie," Johnny starts before she turns her gun on him. I go to throw a fireball. "The world is literally at stake here. You have to trust us. Please."

She lowers her gun and lets us pass. As we continue on I turn to him. "Frankie? Um, her first name is 'Captain'."

"Is now really the time? We can discuss your territorial behavior later, when the world's not ending." Reed says. "We need to get to the roof. It should be here by now."

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