Chapter 23

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We land just outside the border of the Black Forest in Germany, the next location the surfer is going to hit. "Sir, he's holding position north of here." Captain Raye informs Hager.


"General, give us a one-mile perimeter." Reed says.

"Forget it, Richards. You had your shot and you blew it. This is a military operation now. So jam the signal, get out of our way and let us do our jobs."

I'm about to step in when Reed puts a hand on my arm, shaking his head. "You don't understand," He starts again with Hager.

"No you don't understand, so let me clear it up for you and your pack of freaks here." I go to lunge him but Ben holds me back, careful not to hurt me. "I'm the quarterback. You're on my team. Got it? But I guess you never played football in high school, did you Richards?"

"And I guess you never took a test for yourself, oh Mr. Meathead." I say. All Hager does is smirk at me and then turns away.

"No, you're right, I didn't. I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd. And 15 years later, I'm on of the greatest minds of the 21st century. I'm engaged to the hottest girl on the planet, and the big jock who played quarterback in high school, well he's standing right in front of me, asking for my help. And I'm saying he's not getting a damn thing unless he does exactly what I tell him and starts treating my friends, my family, and me with some respect."

Hager is quiet for several minutes, taking in what Reed just said. "Give him what he wants." He says before walking away.

"Way to go big brother!" I say, clapping him on the back as I walk past.

"I'm so hot for you right now." Sue says as I gag.

"Me too," Johnny says, putting an arm around him and switching powers.

"Careful Johnny." Reed says before switching back. "Alright, let's get to work." We walk into the woods, coming up to a clearing that overlooks the lake. "This is it. You have your coordinates. Sue you're with me. Set up your posts and rendezvous back here." he instructs before we break off.

I make it to my spot and secure the post in the ground before opening it up to get to work. "What's your status?" I hear Reed ask over comms.

"Yeah, I'm good to go." Ben answers.

"Sam here," came Johnny's reply.

"I almost got it." I say as the trees around me start creaking. I look up and the surfer appears from between them. My eyes wide. "Guys, we may have a problem."

"What's wrong?" Johnny asks.

"He's here."

"Get out of there right now," Reed says. Not taking my eyes off of him, I go to reach for the rod but he swerves in front of me, approaching me.

I put up a fire wall, hoping it'll protect me but he glides right through it, unharmed, so I drop it. "What are you destroying our planet?" I ask him.

"I have no choice." He replies.

"Jackie!" Johnny yells, breaking through the tree line.

"Wait!" I tell him. "What do you mean you don't have a choice? There's always a choice."

"Not always."

"Why are you trying to destroy us?"

"I am not the destroyer." Before he can explain any further, we hear a high pitched whine and see a missile headed our way. The surfer moves in front of me, taking an almost protective stance, shielding me.

As the missile gets closer he shoots up and absorbs it into his board. He flies off as the shoot more and I take this opportunity to get the rest of my machine together. "Alright, it's up," I say into my earpiece.

The rest of the team watch him go down and Johnny grabs me as they run by, pulling me along with them. We come into the clearing and Victor is already there. "Victor, stay back." Reed yells.

"You're the quarterback." Victor mocks.

I look down at the surfer. Without his board, he's a dull grey in color, and he was writhing in pain.

Hager and his people approach and take him. "Move out!" he yells as we're all loaded up in vehicles and taken away.

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