Chapter 7

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We separate after getting dressed and I quickly grow bored. Reed is busy running tests on Sue so they would be no fun. Ben was somewhere, wallowing. As much as I thought he deserved to, I didn't want to be around him when he was in that mood. He tended to have an even shorter fuse, if that was imaginable. I guess that meant I had to go find Johnny again.

I find him in the living room, watching some bike thing on the tv. I sneak up behind him and jump up, grabbing his shoulders and screaming, causing him to jump in fright. Various parts of his shirt caught fire though and he yells, chasing after me, throwing a fireball and catching my shirt on fire.

We're around the corner from the lab when we hear Reed and Sue in the middle of an argument. "Did you feel anything when I left?" She asks.

"For the love of God Reed, tell her." I whisper. I feel Johnny press up against me, trying to listen too.

"Do you feel anything right now?" Before Reed could say anything stupid I pull Johnny around the corner, revealing our burnt clothes.

"Hey guys," I start.

"I think we have a serious problem." Johnny finishes. Reed gives Sue one last look before walking off with Johnny to try and figure out a solution. I stay behind, watching Sue try to discreetly wipe away a tear.

"Hey, are you ok?" I ask her quietly.

"I don't know why I always expect him to react differently. He's never going to change."

"You know how Reed is. He's a lot better at reading other people's feelings than his own. Or maybe he's just really good at reading me."

"I'm just... I'm still hung up on him and it's like he doesn't even care."

I think for a moment before I decide to throw the fucks to the wind and tell her. "God, he'll kill be if he ever finds out I told you this but oh well. Reed's a genius, obviously, but he's always had issues with his self worth. He can't see what an amazing guy he is outside of his mind. He's been a mess since you left but he doesn't think he's worthy of you. He looks at Victor and all he can offer you and all Reed has is a building constantly on the verge of foreclosure."

"But that doesn't matter to me."

"It does to Reed though. I know you're going to hate this but be patient with him. I think this is just the situation he needs to gain some confidence."


"Our uniforms were exposed to the storm, like us, so they can transform like us. Becoming invisible, changing size on demand or remaining impervious to flame." Reed explains as we gather in the living room, all of us in our uniforms besides Ben, who's sitting on the couch, drinking something out of a metal beaker and trying not to laugh. I'm pulling in my uniform, still uncomfortable with how it clings to my body.

"You guys look like an '80s rock band." Ben says, laughing. Sue doesn't look amused by this and starts messing with Ben's unworn suit.

"You know Ben, this material stretches. I'm sure I can figure out a way to make it fit.

"I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that." He says with finality. Johnny, meanwhile, is doing stupid poses in his.

"I love these costumes. They're missing something though. Needs a little spice."

"They're not costumes Johnny." Reed says, even though I can tell he's just as excited about them as Johnny is.

"You can't use your powers in public." Sue adds.

"You guys are worse than NASA." He says before leaving.

"Johnny..." Sue calls after him.

"Maybe it's missing a utility belt." Ben jokes. Reed just sends him a look, while I send him a metal dish that was laying on the table, right to his head.

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