Chapter 10

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I was walking around the city, trying not to cry or light anything on fire when a limousine pulls up next to me. I scoff and roll my eyes when Victor exits. "What do you want?" I ask.

"How about some company?" I narrow my eyes, this man doesn't do anything out of the kindness of his heart. I contemplate my options for several moments before I sigh and shrug my shoulders.

"Well misery loves company and I'm pretty fucking miserable right now, so why not?" I say before getting in. "Now what do you want?" I ask, turning towards him as he sat right next to him. He shakes his head, a smirk crossing his lips.

"We need to make two more stops, then we'll talk business." I nod. Great, I should've known accepting a ride from the devil was going to turn into a three ring circus. I look down at my clothes, thankful that the formula I had made seemed to do the trick. I really didn't want to be in close quarters with Victor with a skin-tight, blue spandex uniform on that left nothing to the imagination. Granted the skin-tight shirt I was wearing over top of it was still too much for current company, as was the black leggings I was wearing over the bottom half of the jumpsuit.

Our first stop was apparently to pick up two high-end hookers from their madam's house. I roll my eyes and give him an annoyed look. "Why?" I ask, knowing I was probably going to regret the answer.

"For stop number two obviously."

"I swear to God Victor, you try any three way shit and I'll light your balls on fire so fast you won't even know they're gone until you go to jerk off the next time."

He raises his hands in a mock surrender, the predatory smile never leaving his face. "That's not why they're here." I roll my eyes and do my best to avoid any type of contact with them. We pull up outside of a club and Victor gets out, blocking the window before I can see who we're here for. A cold feeling settled in my stomach for the first time since the space station. No, he wouldn't do this to me. Victor is a lot of things but unnecessarily cruel to those who've done nothing isn't one of them, right?

I give the girls a look, daring them to say something as the door opens back up and Johnny gets inside. This was the sickest joke Victor could've played on me. It was bad enough watching him have women touch up on him on tv but to sit not even a foot away from it while it happened was not a torture I was willing to put myself through. "And this is where I say good night. Thank you for the ride Victor." I say as I move to get out. Victor blocks my path, sliding into the seat next to me, placing his arm across the seat back behind me, lightly touching my shoulder. The second time he does it I heat up my shoulder, slightly burning his fingers. He hisses and I look at him smirking and daring him to try it again.

Johnny gives me a look as he settles back in his seat in-between his new... friends... "What is the point of this demonstration?" I ask, eyes flashing blue from my growing anger. Victor is sitting comfortable in his seat, watching the awkward tension between me and Johnny grow to fill the whole back.

"These are fans. I hope you don't mind," Victor say as we ride through the streets of New York.

"No, no. Gotta take care of the fans, right?" Johnny responds. I scoff and roll my eyes. I could hear my mother's voice in the back of my head telling me they were going to get stuck like that but I decided this was the proper time to call her bluff.

"Is that what we're calling high-end prostitutes these days?" Johnny and Victor ignore my comment but the girls hear it and they shoot me dirty looks. Good, at least I struck someone's nerve.

"I built my business doing what people want. Right now, people want you. Both of you." He says, gesturing to both of us.

"Thank you Victor, I'm flattered. We don't wanna let the people down." Johnny says, happily accepting the flute of champagne that Victor had poured for him. I take the one he hands me as well. If I'm going to be forced to be here, the very least I can do is drink the good shit that I know Victor spends too much money on.

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