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chapter two: loudmouth

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chapter two: loudmouth

You and Nobara stop short when you see Mai standing in front of Itadori and Fushiguro, but say nothing prematurely as she smiles and starts the conversation off politely.

"Hey guys," she asks as she eyes you behind her, "how did your summers go?"

"Eh, it was nice 'cause I got to hang out with my friends," Itadori shrugs. "It just felt kinda short, though."

"Same for me," Fushiguro nods. "Too short but when I wasn't bothered by Gojo it was alright."

"Oh really?" Mai hums. "Did you and Gojo go anywhere special perhaps?"

Fushiguro thinks for a second before shaking his head a bit skeptically, looking as though he thinks he might actually be forgetting whatever she's implying.

"'K well I was just wondering since Y/N got to see him over break, too."

"Aww," Itadori whines, "why didn't I get to see him?!"

Clearing your throat, you interrupt the conversation. "It was really just a coincidence. He probably doesn't even remember it," you laugh awkwardly.

Mai smirks, seeing right through your little act. "Oh, he definitely remembers bumping into one of his beloved students! I don't see how he could forget it!"

Fushiguro sighs. "What are you trying to get at, Mai? Stop beating around the bush."

"Just that Y/N here lost her-"

"Okay!" Nobara shouts to interrupt Mai. "I think that's enough. We don't need to talk about his boring conversation anymore. Who the hell cares what sensei did over break? That's none of our business, anyway?"

She then covers Mai's mouth with her hand, and no matter how much Mai tries to pry it loose, she can't.

"Y/N, did you ever find what you lost?" Itadori asks, basically ignoring Nobara's call to change the conversation.

Mai snorts out a laugh at the question, causing Nobara to squeal at the grotesque noise and remove her hand to wipe on her skirt.

"Itadori, it's not something you can just find after you lose it," she grins.

Itadori looks confused, but just as he's about to ask something, Gojo, of all people, enters the hallway.

"Hey, guys! How's the moving back in process going?" he asks cheerfully, with absolutely no idea what he's walking into.

Your whole body freezes up as you look between Gojo and Mai, praying silently that she doesn't ask him about meeting up with you in front of everybody. God, how embarrassing.

"Good," Mai nods obediently. "I was just helping everyone out and they were telling me about their summers! Did you happen to do anything special, sensei?"

Gojo rests his hand under his chin as he thinks about it- probably debating what's appropriate to tell his students, what a douche.

"Not that I can think of... Nothing out of the ordinary," he finally replies, completely lying and even Itadori can see through it!

You roll your eyes, knowing exactly what Mai and Nobara are thinking right about now- that you weren't memorable to him. However, you're lucky to learn that Mai (for whatever reason) decides to change the conversation.

"Gojo, is Nanami around? The real reason I came was 'cause I had to talk to him about something," she asks instead, much to your confusion.

"Oh, yeah, he's probably still around. You can go check, I'll help out here," he smiles.

Again. Liar. He won't even lift a finger!

Mai waves to the group and flashes you a smile that makes a vein pop out from your forehead. But whatever, you're relieved that she's walking away. Maybe this won't become such a big deal after all.

"Gojo?" Itadori then asks, striking up a new conversation. "Did you know that Y/N lost something over break? She said she can't get it back, too, but I'm thinking we can find a way to replace it."

Gojo looks at you and shrugs. "How the hell should I know what you kids lose? I'm not your... well considering all of you have practically no lives out of this place, hm, I guess I am kinda like your-"

"Sensei!" you interrupt before even more embarrassment can strike. You know you'll never live it down if he calls you his father in front of Nobara who's practically bursting at the seems right now. "It's fine, I didn't want it anymore. Thanks, Itadori, but it's really okay."

You then exchange a look with Nobara who looks a bit concerned at your shitty lie. You're starting to slip. Luckily, none of the others have caught on yet.

"Alright, well, I'm going to finish unpacking," Itadori shrugs before skipping off to his room. Fushiguro nods and leaves to do the same.

Nobara chuckles awkwardly and smiles a stressed grin as she pulls you backwards into her room.

"Now what the hell was all that about?" she whispers the second the door shuts behind the two of you.

"I don't know! I'm freaking out! What if Mai tells Nanami about this whole thing?!" you squeak.

"So what?" Nobara scoffs. "He probably already knows. I bet Gojo told him the second after it happened. He's got like zero filter."

You groan as you sit down on her bed. Why the hell did you tell her this lie? There's absolutely no way Nanami knows about a lie that you just made up on the fly about fifteen minutes ago! You need to come up with a way out of all of this, and quick!

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