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chapter eight: lifesaver

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chapter eight: lifesaver

You walk back in the dark from Gojo's office back to your dorm alone. You don't mind since it's a good opportunity for you to clear your mind from swirling thoughts wondering if what just happened actually happened. But just as you get back to your room and reach for the doorknob, you hear the door across from you squeak open.

"Where have you been?!" Nobara gasps with genuine concern in her tone. "Are you alright? I haven't seen you since you stormed off on me!"

You tense up a bit at her questioning, not knowing how to answer them. You could lie and bury yourself even deeper down this hole that you're in or you could tell the truth and risk ruining your friendship with her.

"Um, I'm fine. Goodnight!" you quickly respond, rushing into your room and just about ready to shut the door completely when she stops it from closing with her hand.

"What's going on, Y/N? I want the whole truth, now!" she snaps.

You sigh and begrudgingly step aside to let her into your room. You then close your door, making sure that there are no eavesdroppers this time around. The two of you then sit down together on your bed where you lean your body forward and collapse your forehead on her shoulder. Reassuringly, Nobara wraps her arms around your back and gently rubs to calm you down.

"Whatever's going on, I'm still going to love you no matter what. You don't have to keep it all in."

It is then that you finally break down and begin to describe to her the real truth. You begin by admitting you lied about having sex with Gojo over the summer, then continue on to confess that you did have feelings for Fushiguro up until recently when everything went down and you've felt like an awful friend to everyone for lying. You then end by even telling your friend that you did end up hooking up with your teacher mere minutes ago.

"I'm going to have to switch schools," you groan. "I'll have to move far away... maybe I'll go to Australia..."

Nobara chuckles at your whining to dispel whatever tension you were feeling between the two of you. "Australia? Sorry, girl, but I'm not letting you leave me alone with all these guys."

You pick your head up and sigh as you look sadly at your friend. "What else am I supposed to do?"

"What do you want to do?" she asks sincerely.

"I don't know," you sigh. "I want to be a better friend. I don't want to get Gojo in trouble."

"Well was it good? Ya know... with Gojo," she quietly pries.

"Of course it was," you sigh. "Did you really have any doubts about that?"

"No, I suppose not," she giggles. "But I mean, do you think you'd do it again?"

Your eyes gaze down at the floor as you nod shamefully to her question. Nobara hums and shakes her head back. "Don't look so down, I've got an idea," she calls, causing you to pick your head back up hopefully.

"I'm going to tell the boys that Mai got it all wrong and was just trying to start a bunch of bullshit that she shouldn't have gotten herself into. I'll put the blame on Mai and hopefully the rumors will be dispelled. Everyone who doesn't need to know will forget about it and move on."

You smile softly, relieved and so grateful that Nobara's willing to go to all of that trouble to help you out. You then throw your arms around her and hug her tight, thanking her only about a million times and apologizing profusely for lying.

"It's alright, Y/N, I get it. I shouldn't have pressured you as much as I did," she admits.

"It's okay," you smile back. "I'm just so grateful to have you."

"But there is a bit of a catch," she tells you sternly. "You're going to have to tell Fushiguro the truth eventually. He deserves to know, especially with whatever thing the two of you have or had. Okay?"

You stand up quietly and walk over to the mirror. You dry your reddish eyes and let out a deep breath. "I know," you sigh. "I'll do it eventually."

"Do you still have feelings for him?" she wonders.

"How can I? If I did I'd just hurt him even more than I already did," you express as you turn back around toward your friend. "As long as I'm with Gojo everything's just going to be complicated and messy!"

"So you really are going back to do it again?" she asks in a whisper.

"Well, what else can I do? I've already fallen down the rabbit hole. It can't get much worse than it already has and it's not like I really want it to stop."

"I understand and that's fine 'nd all but Fushiguro at least deserves to know the truth."

"I'll tell him," you assure her with a small grin.

"Good, 'cause I'm holding you to that," she replies, patting the spot beside her in bed. "Now come sit. Let's watch something, get our minds off the day, and just have fun."

"I couldn't agree more," you smile as you walk over to her. "And I promise I'll tell him."

Nobara smiles as the two of you jump under the covers and cuddle up together. She puts the television on and finds a movie on Netflix. You then place your head down on her shoulder and let out a relaxed breath, thankful for the assurance your friend provides. You really are so grateful for how understanding she is. You should never have lied to her, but now you can only hope it all gets better from here.

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