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chapter thirteen: law

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chapter thirteen: law

It's only the day after you had your little fling with Fushiguro when you decide to meet up with your teacher after hours yet again. You smile to yourself as you knock on the door to his office. As he opens it, a smile grows on his face as well, and when he wraps his arms around you, you can see right past him into the room. Movement catches your eye and you see another person in the room... Fushiguro.

You pull away from the hug in complete confusion. "What's going on?" you ask quietly. "I thought this was just going to be us?"

"It is, but not just us. I invited Fushiguro as well," he hums as if it's nothing out of the ordinary at all.

He then grabs you by the hand and brings you into the room, locking the door behind you.

"Hi," you shyly call to your classmate.

"Hey, Y/N," he replies, stepping towards you with his hands in his pockets.

You're quite shocked that he's agreed to whatever Gojo's got planned, but even more so that he's actually shown up and seems somewhat into it.

"I'm sorry this isn't what you expected and I hope it isn't too much trouble, but with all the studying you seem to be doing lately, I'd like to join in as well."

Does he not know? Or is he playing at something?

Fushiguro then looks over at Gojo and continues to speak. "He's going to give us a hint about the tests, isn't that right?"

"Alright, alright," Gojo chuckles. "It's not going to be a written test, but a practical exam that's individualized to the weaknesses of each of your abilities."

You have absolutely no idea what to say as dread creeps over you. Why the hell did he have you going to the library if he knew it was going to be a practical exam? You should have been out in the field instead of reading some fat, old book. Was this whole thing a ruse put on by Gojo to get the two of you here?

"Now that I've shared my information it's time for the two of you to share, too," he hums, and suddenly you find yourself sandwiched in between the two of them.

Gojo reaches a hand behind your head and presses a rough kiss against your lips. You feel a bit of guilt bubble up within you knowing that Fushiguro's right behind, but the feeling soon fades as he grabs onto your waist. Careful fingers reach under the hem of your shirt and travel upwards until reaching your breasts, squeezing them as Gojo muffles your satisfied sounds with his lips.

One of Gojo's hands then slides down the front of your body. He reaches under your skirt, slips beneath your panties, and brushes his fingers between your folds. Fushiguro kisses the side of your neck at the same time and the mixture of all the combined sensations makes you almost want to pass right out. However, you remember Gojo telling you to breathe and you do your best to keep that advice in mind.

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