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chapter four: lunch

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chapter four: lunch

Itadori's P.O.V.

"No, but you see, even though the red house is made out of red bricks and the yellow house is made out of yellow bricks, a greenhouse is still made out of glass!" I explain to my stone-faced friend. "But how was I supposed to know she was talking about a greenhouse and not a green house?"

Fushiguro looks at me as though he's about to fall asleep, completely bored by my conversation even though I'm not quite sure if he got the joke either.

"Y/N's always got the worst jokes," I pout in a mumble.

"You're just upset because you didn't get it on the first try. The point of the joke is that she wants you to fall for it. They aren't bad jokes," he tells me. I don't really get why he's taking Y/N's side on this, but whatever!

I sigh as we stop just on the outside of Gojo's office. I raise my hand to knock on the door, but before I do I hear Gojo say two words: "slept with". Fushiguro and I are immediately curious and we lean in towards the door to hear a bit more.

"Mai told me that you hooked up with Y/N over the summer break," we both hear Nanami admit quietly. However, the second that he does I choke on my own saliva and Fushiguro jumps, hitting his foot against the door. Then, we both look at each other with a worried look that we'll get in trouble for eavesdropping if the teachers heard us.

Fushiguro grabs my hand in a hurry and rushes me down and around the hall before we're caught. He doesn't stop running until the two of us arrive outside of the lunchroom.

"Wha- what's going on?" I ask him as my eyes stare in confusion.

"We can't let anyone know that we heard that. We'll be in trouble for snooping," he insists without answering my question.

"Do you think it's true?" I still continue.

"Yes! We're not supposed to be listening in on other people's conversation without their knowledge!" he whispers sternly.

"No," I shake my head. "I mean about Y/N and Gojo!"

Fushiguro stops and looks at me blankly. I tilt my head to the side slightly and run my hand in front of his face until he finally stops spacing out. "Uh... you okay, Fushiguro?" I ask him. "You don't think Gojo would actually do that with her, would he? He's got to know that's wrong and wouldn't do that..."

Fushiguro scoffs and shakes his head disappointedly. "He may try but I find it hard to believe that Y/N would do something like that. She doesn't seem like the kinda girl to get tricked into Gojo's games. She's much too smart for that."

"Hm. That's probably why you like..." I begin before trailing off. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

He narrows his eyes at me as he takes a moment to come up with a good excuse meant to appease his own brain more than mine. "I respect Y/N. That does not mean I have some kind of feelings for her."

"Okay," I shrug, despite how blatantly obvious it's been since our first year at school here that he's liked her.

The two of us walk inside of the lunchroom and, after a brief pause, we both spot Y/N and Nobara across the room. We both attempt to ignore them as we grab our lunch, but then Nobara spies us back and we've got no choice but to walk over.

Quietly, the two of us sit across from the girls. Fushiguro stares at Y/N like she's got three heads as he takes his spot directly across from her. She smiles back at him and only then does he give her the tiniest one back.

Our lunch is pretty much completely silent after that. Y/N doesn't say a word which only serves to make this whole thing all the more suspicious. But what's even weirder is that Nobara doesn't say anything at all either! It's only until the end of lunch when she finally opens her mouth.

"Did you guys know- Ouch!" she begins before looking over at Y/N and jumping.

Fushiguro watches the intense look that Y/N sends Nobara. Then, after Y/N puts the last bite of food in her mouth, Fushiguro asks if he can have a word with her. I look over at Nobara and chuckle awkwardly, not knowing what to do in this situation. In return, she grins and takes a large sip of her drink. Y/N and Fushiguro stand up and walk off to leave me alone with Nobara. They stop by the entrance of the lunchroom where I find them standing awkwardly together.

"Fushiguro's got a huge crush on Y/N," I mutter aloud. Nobara nearly spits out her drink upon hearing that and I stare at her surprised by the reaction.

"Why would you even say that?!" she whispers sternly.

"Maybe I'm wrong, but he kinda talks about her a lot. He thinks highly of her and he even admitted that he respects her, unlike how he sees the two of us," I scoff.

Nobara looks over at the two of them, it's really odd to me just how quiet she's being. There's no way this whole thing with Y/N and Gojo is true, right?!

"I think she used to like Fushiguro, too," she sighs. "But that can't be..."

Her expression turns worrisome and I decide we should move on from talking about this. It's obviously bothering her so I should move on.

"Did you enjoy your vacation?" I ask, despite how she still doesn't peel her eyes away from Fushiguro and Y/N.

"Mhm," she grins politely, sparing just a second to look at me, "I did, thanks. And you?"

"Good," I nod as I pick nervously at the empty plate before me. So much for striking a conversation. I don't think this has ever happened before when neither of us has had anything to say...

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