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chapter ten: language

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chapter ten: language

After class the following day, you walk up to Gojo as the others pack up their belongings.

"So the written test on Friday is on our techniques? Like, we've got to explain how they work?" you ask with your notebook and pencil in hand.

"I'd suggest you brush up on your strategies," he responds. "Different ways you can use your technique in different scenarios. That will benefit you more in relation to the exam. The library might be a good place to start."

You groan quietly, not wanting to go and hoping he'd be a bit less vague than that.

"Good luck," he hums before waving goodbye and singing to himself as he practically skips out of the room.

"Hey, Y/N!" Nobara then calls as she runs up to you. "Wanna go to the mall since class is over and we've got some time to ourselves finally?!"

"Sorry, I can't," you sigh as you close your notebook. "I've gotta go to the library to study."

"Good one," she replies, snorting out a laugh.

You shake your head in disappointment that you're actually having this conversation. "I'm serious!"

Nobara frowns as she looks at your serious expression. "Oh, okay, well good luck then."

With a tiny smile, you thank her and walk back to your desk to clear it off. "I'll see you later," you assure her. "When I get back I'll make it up to you, okay?"

"You better," she teases as she tosses her backpack around her shoulder.

As the two of you exit the classroom together, you wave goodbye and make your way to the library that you've only ever been to a few times since starting your first year.

When you get to the library, you look up and down the mostly unfamiliar rows of books until you find a collection written by an author with a similar technique as yours. You curse yourself internally as you gaze upon the hundreds upon hundreds of pages that you've been asked to sift through.

Nevertheless, you grab one of the giant, heavy books and waddle over to the table in the center of the empty room where you plop it down with a loud boom- showing you just how heavy the thing really is!

It's not until you're done complaining in your head about all of the pages and sitting down in a seat that you notice there's someone in the seat beside you- Fushiguro! You swallow hard, suddenly becoming aware of the awkward tension in the room as he gazes over at you in complete confusion. It's also quite nerve-wracking since you haven't had the talk you were supposed to have and feel as though you still owe him an explanation after everything that went down that first week back.

You smile awkwardly as you gaze back and fix yourself in the chair. "Hey," you mutter a bit uncertain how to approach what you want to talk about. "Are you here studying up on shikigami?"

"Yes," he nods quietly.

Well this is going absolutely nowhere!

"I'm here for the same reason," you chuckle awkwardly, "Oh, but for my techniques, not yours..."

After Fushiguro smiles awkwardly through the uncomfortable conversation, you sigh and think that it's either now or never. Of course, preferably, you'd like to forget about this entire thing and move on, but with Nobara's small voice telling you that she's counting on you in your head, you can't just not go through with it.

With a sigh, you look from your ginormous book over to Fushiguro and tell him, "There's something I wanted to talk to you about and since you're here I think now might be a good time."

I'm just going to tell him I'm not interested in him so no feelings get hurt and end this whole thing once and for all.

However, despite the things you promise yourself in your brain, all you end up doing is staring at him as he watches you in return. You've got absolutely no idea how to do this and let him down without making this whole thing even more awkward than it already is.

"So I know it was a long time ago but back in our first year of school together I kinda had feelings for you," you chuckle lightly to diminish the tension.

Fushiguro stares blankly for a moment but then nods. "To be honest, I felt the same. I respect you in a way different than the others and that's how I realized it."

Your heart skips a beat at his words. Him admitting that to your face is going to make everything that much harder! How can you let him down when you're becoming flustered and he's saying such things?!

Come on, Y/N, use your language. Just tell him and get this over with already!

"Well after everything that's happened and the things I'm going to tell you, I understand if-" you begin before being completely cut off by his lips squished up against your own. Your eyes widen as you kiss him back, completely shocked by the sudden gesture but definitely not complaining. You meant what you said, you did have feelings for him, but you never said they completely went away. So why would you stop him here?

It's probably so screwed up, messing around with both your classmate and your teacher, but what are you supposed to do? You know it's selfish to think, but seriously, what's so bad about it? Fushiguro practically already knows everything without you even needing to tell him and Gojo couldn't care less about following whatever norms tell him it's wrong to get with his students.

Besides, as Fushiguro kisses you, he gives you every hint that he's intending to do more- right here and now in the empty library now that he's finally got you alone. He places his hand gently on your cheek and tilts your head to the side. His tongue dips between your lips as you part them and, though less smooth than Gojo, it's nothing to complain about. Whatever's about to come, you decide you'll take one step at a time.

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