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chapter seven: lesson ~ nsfw

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chapter seven: lesson ~ nsfw

Y/N'S P.O.V.

You run straight through the school towards Gojo's office where you stop and take a deep breath. Just as you're about to knock, he opens the door with a smile.

"I'd say I'm surprised to see you, but I have to admit I was kinda expecting this," he grins.

You smile back nervously with no response you can think of to come back with.

"Come on in," he instead continues.

You walk into the middle of his room until you finally muster up enough courage to say "Gojo I-"

"Stop," he interrupts. "I already know what you're going to say."

"I should never have started saying those things and I seriously regret it," you tell him seriously with a shake of your head. "I am truly sorry."

"Hm? What things?" he asks.

"Um, well, you said that you knew..."

"I don't know the details, but I'd be interested in hearing them," he hums.

"Well, I was with Nobara in my room-"

"Not that," he shakes his head. "I want to know the details of your lie, not the setting you were in when you started the whole thing."

"Right, sorry. Okay, so I told her we had gone to a beach- the two of us- and we were alone and you, umm..."

Gojo looks at you curiously, but does not back down from faking as though he didn't already find out the juicy details he so obviously craved the second he heard the rumor. He may be the best sorcerer, but that doesn't make you a fool.

He steps closer to you, closing off some of the gap between you and him. You can feel your breath begin to get heavier as the obviously attractive man stands so close you hardly need to reach to touch him.

"I used to have a friend who was a pathological liar," he finally interrupts. "It's not a good trait to have, Y/N."

"Sorry," you mumble with your eyes towards your feet in embarrassment.

"Ah, don't worry about it. I forgive you," he replies, lifting up your chin until your eyes meet his. "I will forgive you, that is, as long as you tell me the truth. What exactly did you lie about?"

You feel your breath completely stop for a moment as you contemplate honestly telling him just exactly what you told Nobara. Apart from it being completely embarrassing, you feel yourself getting your hopes up for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I mean, there's no way he's actually interested, right?

"Breathe," he tells you, watching the look on your face intently as you begin to spiral.

You nod before making up your mind- you just have to tell him and get this over with.

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