second chap:)

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All the places, things, products, event, venues, characters, business, and etc. its either fiction or an authors imagination! Enjoy!

Yin Pov

After a long wild day with my friends I i can finally come home. I was just tipsy so Trev wouldn't get mad at me right? Right!


"Miss Min what time is it?" i opened the door and Trey was already standing on the door while crossing his hands on his chest. I looked at him and shook my head.

"Trev Yrocky please let me in its so cold" i begged him. I was just wearing a short dress.

"What time is it Miss Min?" he asked again.

"I don't know, 9pm?" i said in asking tone. He was looking at me with a poker face.

"Okay, go wash up first i will scold you tomorrow" he said when my lips were getting purple.

I went inside the house and run going upstairs i even heard him shouted 'be careful' well i ignored him obviously. I went to shower and turn on the heater. I went inside my walk in closet and put on some pj's.

When i went out of the closet i saw him on his desk doing something on his laptop.

"Can we have a date tomorrow babe?" i asked hopeful. He stopped typing and faced me, i was sitting on the bed.

"Okay if my baby wants it" he said and went into me and hugged me. "Let's go to sleep now hmm" he said.

"About calling me baby, please stop it" i told him cause i get butterflies sometimes when he call me that.

"I know you're older than me, but u shut the hell up cause i want to call you that" he said. We both giggled and we cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arm.


I woke up after i dreamed of me falling down the runway. Aww i miss modeling but this baby won't let me after i got over worked.

I grab his phone to see what time is it. And i woke up early, its 4am. I went to the closet and changed into my gym clothes.

Its been 3 weeks since i last workout, since Trev won't let me cause i'll feel ill again. I went out of the room and went straight to our gym.

I started doing my regular workout. I did a booty, ab workout today. I finished around 6 am. I went back to the house.

I went to our bedroom, went straight to the bathroom and wash up cause i feel dirty. I went and sit next to him on the bed. He hugged me so sudden. I was just playing roblox and i know you'll think i'm a so childish.

I'm just 23 please stop and Trev is actually older than me a gap of 2 years and i feel like i'm older than him so i used to say that.

I was just checking my emails when Trev woke up. "I told you to rest not to work love" he said. I just pouted cause he got the ipad out of my hand.

"Don't pout, cause that is dangerous for me" he said acting scared.

"Whatever" i acted like i was mad at him and went out of the bedroom. And went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. He followed me from behind.

"What do you want?" i asked him.

"How about let's go on a breakfast date?" he said. I smiled at him.

"Yes!" i said getting excited.

I just wore a a brown croptop and some big jeans,and put on my mocha air force one. Then i just put on a sling bag it was kinda brown. He even copied my outfit.

"You copycat!" i rolled my eyes at him.

He kissed me in response. We went inside his car and drove off.



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