fourth chap:)

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All the places, things, products, event, venues, characters, business, and etc. its either fiction or an authors imagination! Enjoy!

Yin Pov

When we arrived home we showered together since he insisted. And who am i to refuse this cute baby hm? I went to the living room with his laptop. "Are you gonna use your laptop?" i asked him since he was in the kitchen cooking dinner for us.

"Yeah you can borrow it, and be quick i need to work on some files" he said. I smiled and went to login my email. I was borrowing his laptop since my laptop is in my office which i forgot to bring home.

I was now deleting some drafts cause our company wanted me to send a few files. So i had a lot of drafts, so i deleted my drafts and i deleted a file so i tried to recover it but it wasn't recovering. I tried everything and i deleted another file. Aish i'm done for.

"Are you done now? I need to pass it tomorrow" Trev said.

"Tomorrow!?" i said shocked.

"Yeah, go rest now" he said and kiss my cheeks.

I went to the kitchen to drink water, so i can calm my self down. What if we i deleted the important file???

Aish i should have been careful. I was shaking, darn it.

"Yin!" Trev shouted from the living room. Your done for Yin.

"Y-yes?" i shouted back.

"Come here!" he shouted again.

"Coming" to be honest i wasn't prepared to get scolded.

I went to the living room and faced him.

"Did you delete my file?" he asked calm.

"Sorry i didn't mean to delete your file" i said apologizing.

"Yin! Why did you fucking delete the file!?" he shouted in anger and frustration.

"I'm sorry Trev i was trying to delete my drafts, then i accidentally deleted your file" i explained.

"Are you this dum huh? You're so stupid!" he shouted again.

"I'll help you. Let me help you Trev" i insisted.

"You can't do anything about it now" he said sighing hard.

"Please i'll help you" i begged again.

"I told you, you can't do anything about it now. Its because you're so dumb,just leave me alone!" his shout was loud that even a tear escaped my eyes.

I went to the guest room, since i feel like he doesn't wanna see my face. Its the first time he shouted at me like that. Why am i dumb!!! I ruined his work.

I was crying the whole time, and then it started raining, and after a few moments a thunder strikes. I flinched and started trembling and crying even harder.

Trev Pov

After Yin left i put on my airpods and listen to the music while redoing the file that Yin deleted. I put on a 100% volume so no one can disturb me. I was just doing my work when i got hungry. But i didn't mind i'll just eat later.

I was just doing my work when Yin hugged my left arm. I got pissed and move my arms aggressively.

"Yin can you stop bothering me! I'm trying to work here! Stop bieng clingy for pete sake! It was your fault why i'm doing this right now! STOP BIENG CLINGY!" i galered at her.

"Oh, okay. Sorry" she said and walked away.

I got up so i can take a little water break. And a freaking huge thunder striked. I wonder where did it strike?

I went back to doing my files and listening to music. Another thunder strike woah, that one was huge.

I needed a file so i went where i stored my files, wich is the guest room. I went inside and i heard someone sobbing quietly. Like trying not to make a single noise.

I looked at the bed and saw someone under the comforter. And i was supposed, it was Yin.

"Hey love, stop crying" i force her to face me. And then a another huge thunder struck.

And she flinched and started trembling and crying even more. That's when the realization hits me. How can i forget her past, aish Trev u are such a loser.

She was very sensitive, and shouted at her. And she very afraid of lightning or thunder, that's why she hugged me earlier. Aishhh Trevor Fajav!!!

"Shhh, trey is here" i made her lay on top of me. "Sorry baby, Trev is such a dummy for not knowing your past, and scolding you" i said while she was crying hard.

"Sorry baby, Sorry, Trev is Sorry" i begged "Trev is very very sorry".

She stayed silent until she calm down and fell asleep. I bring her to the master bedroom so she can sleep tight.

I kiss her forehead and bid my goodnight.



(guys i was confuse on the thunder or lightning bwahahaha srry bout that)

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