chap seven:>

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All the places, things, products, event, venues, characters, business, and etc. its either fiction or an authors imagination! Enjoy!

Yin Pov

I was now packing my cary on, since i'm going to new york for a fashion show and finally Trev let me go and attend the fashion show. My friends are picking me up since there the one who insisted me to go there in the first place.

We're gonna leave at 8 in the morning and its 4am right now so i have plenty of time. And Trev is still sleeping i have to wake him up and say goodbye.

"Babe wake up" i tried waking him up. He hugged my waist and buried hi head in my chest.

"Don't leave" he said like a baby.

"Its just for 4 days and after that we're going to paris" i told him. He is such a baby when i'm leaving.

"But" he pouted.

"Come on Trev Yrocky, don't be a baby" i told him.

"Okay" he said with his baby voice.

"I know what your trying to do" i told him smiling.

"I just don't want you to leave" he begged again.

"Come on" i rolled my eyes.

"Okay fine" he finally give up.


Me and my friends are already in Pau's private jet, since she hosted this trip for us. I took a picture of the cloud and posted on my story and captioned it 'see u NY🗽' i was happy.

I slept cause i felt tired. I woke up when Estella grabbed my hair, i glared at her. So immature.

"Girl your on every news article" Estella smiled at me proudly.

"Really?" i cheked my phone, and she wasn't joking.

We arrived at the airport and a lot of paparazzi were there. Since me and my friends where well known model and victoria angels.

"Hello, how are you?" one paparazzi asked me.

"Have you recovered well?" another one asked me.

"I'm good now still recovering tho. Hope you guys have a great day" i wave at them and went inside the van.

"Wow Miss they really miss you" Ally clapped her hands.

"For real" Estella clapped her hands as well.

I just flipped my hair at them. We still have 2days to explore new york. I mean i'm not new but its been long since i last visited new york. While i was daydreaming i heard my phone rang so i picked it up.

It was Trev.

"Hmm?" i hummed.

["Going good there?"] he asked.

"Yes, how about you babe?" i asked him.

["Having a hard time cooking"] he complained.

"Hey, you're a good cook. You can't even focus when i'm there" i laugh.

["Its because your beautiful face"] he said.

"Okay babe we just arrived at the hotel, bye love you" i bid.

["Love you, take care my baby"] he said in a soft voice.

I hung up the call. My roommate was Estella so it was kind of a mess at our room.

I have an apartment here actually but i wanted to stay at a hotel so we stayed in this 7 star hotel. Me and Estella got ready for lunch, since we're meeting new the hosts of the fashion show.

I wore a black bra and put on some jeans then a black blazer. And some boots just for fun. I just put on a cute black purse and put on some make up.

We walked out of the hotel and a lot of paparazzi were there already. I just wave and smiled at them. I went inside the van and Trev called me again.

"Yes babe?" i asked.

["Your paparazzi shots are beautiful baby. Why are you so beautiful?"] he complimented me.

"Hehehe thanks babe, we're actually on the way to lunch" i told him.

["I'm on the way to my second meeting"] he told me.

"Ok bye now, Love you babe" i made a smooch sound.

["Love you too, take care always. Bye keep slay'n babe"] he giggled.

he hang up the call.




a/n:take care mentally and physically<3

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