Janna x Tom

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Context: right after Star and Marco save the world(s)

(Tom's POV)

I watch Star and Marco leave holding hands, i know their ment for each other but that doesent mean it doesnt hurt like hell. i sigh and walk off heading back to the underworld, "hey Tom?!" a voice yells i turn around and see Janna? i tilt my head as she runs up to me. "i was wondering if you would want to join me Marco Star and a few other friends tommowor? were going to get food then were heading to the skate park its going to be sick" she says i shrug

"uh sure" i say she nods "cool, see you there" she says and runs off after Marco and Star. i sigh and head down to the underworld. the next day i get up and change into my outfit of the day, i head back up to the overworld, and head to where Janna said to meet them. "Tom!" Star yells and hugs me, i just stand there tense, "nice to see you too star" i say she lets go and pulls me over to a table, "this is Jackie and her girlfriend Chloe, and then you know Janna, me

and Marco have already brought some extra skate boreds, here you get the black one with flames" she says i nod and take the bored, "dont worry Janna made it fire proof she still wont tell us how" Star says looking at Janna she just shrugs and goes back to eatting her burger. after we all eat we head to the skate park and everyone split off Jackie with Chloe, Marco with Star and i got stuck with Janna, "ready loser?" she says i shrug feeling kind of out of place

in this whole sicuation. "come on" she says and rolls down the ramp on her skate bored, i place the bored on the ground and sit on the side of the ramp, i watch Janna turn aorund and give me a confused look before skating back over to me, "What wrong tomato?" she asks i blink a few times before rejestering what she just said "What?" i ask she shrugs "Tamato, your name starts with a T and you turn all red when your angry, granted thats mostly

beacuse you a demon but from what star and marco have told me your really nice" she says i shrug and look back down at the ground, "do you ever feel like you wish you could be with someone but its never going to happen?" i ask "Nope" she says poping the p without a care in the world. "how?" i ask she shrugs "Look tommy, star and Marco are made for each other anyone can see that from a mile away i hate how happy they are but you learn not to care,

take Jackie and Chloe for example you dony know them very well right?" she says i nod she smiles "and you can tell from the few minutes you have know them that they really love each other?" she asks I nod again "thats what happend the first time i met star i knew her and marco were going to end up together, but when you entered i could tell you hadnt realized that, Tom you need to realize she isnt going to turn her back on Marco he makes her feel

something shes never felt with anyone, not even you could make her feel that" she says, i look over at the couple in question, helping each other skate laughing and smiling. i smile "i know, but it still hurts" i say she nods "I'm not the smpathic type but i know what a broken heart feels like, it hurts but in the end it will make you stronger, now enough sulking, time to teach you how to skate tomato head" she says i roll my eyes "i still dont appreciate the

name" i say she scoff "like i care, come on tommy hop on the bored" i stand up and stand on the bored before it slides out from under me, "ow!" i say landing on the concreate, Janna laughs, "first rule" she says and streches out ehr hand helping me up "Balnce" she says i smile and nod, after a few minutes i could stand on the damm thing, "ok now grab my shoulders" Janna says i do that and look down at my feet, "Look up at me" she says i look at her

eyes "if you looking down at your feet the whole time your not going to enjoy skating, i nod we start moving across the ground and evencauly i was going faster, "I'm doing it" i say Janna lets go and i start to go by myself till i comes time to stop shit "Ow" i say laying on the concret for the second time today. "you good tommy?" she says i scoff "and here i though i was doing better" i say she laughs "it takes pratice, i mean look at Marco he still cant skate" Janna

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