The Brain and The Jock (Donnie x Zivar)

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(Donnie's POV)

"i thought you quit bask-kay-ball?" i ask Leo at breakfast with a cheeky smile on my face, "Donnie i swear to- if you don't say it right i will get Raph in here" Leo states being annoyed of my antics "and yes i did quit the schools basketball team but Miles found this team thats all LGBTQ+ people who play twice a week, he's taking me today" Leo states with hearts forming in his eyes.

i gag and Leo just rolls his eyes, "your just jelouse because i have a partner and you don't" Leo glotes as he sips his coffee, "I am not jelouse of your realtionship dear brother, i'm just fine on my own" i state with confidence as i take a bite of my pancakes, the doorbell rings and Leo jumps up "i'll get it!" he shouts and runs to the door, i roll my eyes, i will never be that gulible.

"hey donnie" Miles says as he enters the kitchen, "morning" i state back, "do you want to come with us? Leo has told me that you keep score for him when he plays as well as help him pointers to improve his game, also you're really good with statistics, would you mind helping me?" Miles asks I know he want to inclued me in things because he wants me to like him, he's still my brother's boyfriend and i'm always going to resent him a little bit, but what the heck their being nice.

"sure Reid" i state using his last name, "great! we'll leave in a few minutes" Miles says before he heads to the bathroom, "your boyfriend is trying to win me over" i state "is it working?" Leo asks with hope in his eyes i sigh, it is a little, but i'm not telling Leo that "no comment" i state before finishing up my breakfast.

Shortly after that conversation the three of us head to the basketball court, it was a short walk, but its probally the most sun i've gotten all week, but don't tell Raph that, "were here" Miles states as we enter the large ally, a group of people are playing on the court and the music is way to loud for my liking, "hey James!" Miles shouts causing me to flinch, my ears are very senstive today.

"Miles my dude" the person, who looked about late twentys, i assume to be James walks over "this is James he's the one who founded this group" Mile states "You must be the famous Leo, I've heard so much from this one" Jame says ruffling Mile's hair, like Raph does to Mikey all the time, James shakes Leo's hand and then turns to me "and who might you be?" James asks with a smile.

"Donatello, I'm just here to watch" i state plainly, "well nice to meet you Donatello, i'm assuming you and Leo are brothers?" he asks, we both nod, "were twins actually" Leo states looking at me, i roll my eyes "not biologically" i state to my dear brother "cool, well this is the court, Miles you want to interduce them to the team?" James asks Miles nods and walks us through the fence.

"Yo! Zivar!" Miles calls, a bigger dude runs over wiping sweat from his head, gross, "Hey Mi" he says with a smile before turning to the two of us, "you must be Leo, your all this guy talks about, non stop, Leo's so handsome, Leo's so amazing, Leo's so smart, Leo's-" Zivar gets his mouth covered by Miles, "thats enought" Miles states turning red, i turn to my brother and see him hidding his face with his hand, "no please Zivar go on" i state with a cocky grin on my face, i love seeing my brother suffer.

"well theres this one time Miles called him a, what was it again?, oh yeah his little sweet potato in spanish because someone told him it was a term of indearment, Rory i think their name was" Zivar states smirking at Miles whos dying of embarssement, "l-lets just play" Leo mummbles, i find a bench to sit on and watch the game.

Leo gets aquinted with all the other players before the game starts, i watch the game, mentally correcting peoples throws and passes in my head, Miles and Leo's espically, but i find my eyes wandering to Zivar's form, its off, i'm not sure why, he's a good player, but his throws are off he misses every three point shot and its hard to gadge from a distance why his throws are off.

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