Detention (Leonardo x OC)

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Human AU:
Leo: Gay and Trans He/Him 15yrs
Donnie: non-binary and Biromantic, Ace He/They 15yrs
Mikey: Bi, Ace, genderfluid and Polyamorous He/She/They 14yrs
Raph: Ally He/Him 16yrs

Male Oc: Miles: Demiboy, Gay, and Demiromantic He/They

(Leo's POV)

"he shoots" i say throwing the ball, watching it roll around the rim before falling into the basket, "he scores!, whoa and everyone swons for me" i say to no one in praticualer, "One twenty-six" donnie says still staring at his phone, "what?" i ask dribbling the ball, he looks up from his screen "One twenty-six is how many times you've scored this week so far, since i come and watch you everyweek because you cant be trusted to be alone" Donnie snarks.

i hold my chest fake offended, "i can be trusted alone" i say he folds his arms leaning back "you sure about that? last time we left you alone in the house you almost set the toaster on fire, thankfully April showed up" he says i shrug "i still stand by that that wasnt me" i say throwing the ball in the net "one twenty-seven, and how was it not you? you we're the only one home" donnie states i shrug "wasnt me" i say knowing full well it was but Donnie doesnt need to be right about everything.

I throw the ball in the hoop one more time before catching the ball "one twenty eight, fifteen more points than yesterday, impresseve but still" he says standing up "no bitches" he says with a smile walking off, i sigh, he's right, i though being on the basket ball team would land me someone but it doesnt seem to be working, i mean yeah i love basket ball for the sport but i was also hopping to get a partner out of, but my relationships havent been the best.

me and Donnie walk back inside, "there you both are, pizza arrived an hour ago!" Mikey said as she stuffed a peice of pizza in her mouth, "Mikey you could have gotten us from the roof" i state she shakes her head "and risk not having pizza for myself? no thank you" she states, i grab a slice taking a bite of the almost cold pizza, i head off to bed right after scrolling through my phone before getting a text from the team group chat.

(Captian) get hipped up for tomrrows game team

Followed by most of the team member sending a thumbs up or a 'hell yeah' i turn off my phone and get comfortble in bed, the next morning i rush out the door with my brothers to the car, I make it to school bolting out the car trying to make it to class before the bell, i wasnt that lucky the bell had already gone off the minute before i entered the class "late again Leonardo?" my teacher state.

i groan and sit in the only empty seat left, "thats three dude, your probally going to get detintion" my team mate says, i brush it off "its fine I'll just flirt myself out of, teachers love me" lets just say i was a little to confident in myself insted of smoothing things over i made them worse causing me a weeks detention, fuck, i sit in the detention class room starring at the clock, the game had already started and my phone was blowing up with 'where are you" texts from my brothers and teammates.

i evencaully just shut off my phone an stared at the ceiling, the door opened a few minutes late with Miss stick up her ass holding a student by their backpack, i glare at her and she glares back before taking to the detention teacher "this one was caught spray painting the front of the school, her parents are coming to get her in an hour" i watch the person flinch as the teacher pushes them into the room.

"well you two sit tight i have something important to do" the detention teacher says before walking off, "important meaning he's sneaking off to watch the game I'm supost to be winning" i mummble, i hear the person beside me laugh a little i turn my head "whats so funny?" i ask they smile "sorry, its just there doing pretty bad with out you, they've missed like five shots" the teen next to me says.

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