Expectations (Donnie x Zavir)

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Disclamier: Hi! quick little note, all autistic people behave diffrently, i'm high masking, Donnie would be consider high masking in my opinion and Zavir's sister is what we would consider as low masking, my little sibling is low masking and this is purley writen around my experience being autistic and being around people who are autistic. everyone has different experiences This is just based around mine.

Zavir's POV

"Donnie!" I shout when I spot him at the court, he quickly pulls his hoodie over his head and looks down at his phone, weird? "ignore him he's being typical Donnie!" Leo shouts in the direction of the guy dressed in purple before passing me the ball to me, after several rounds I call a time out and pick up my water bottle before moving to sit next to Donnie but still keeping some distance.

"what's up?" I ask, he looks over at me and I swear I see him hide a goofy looking smile "nothing" he mumbles into his sleeve, I sigh "did I do somthing to upset you?" I ask feeling bad, he wips his head around "no!, No you did not do anything to offend me, I just- ugh!" he groans and throws his head in his hands, I look at him confused but before I can ask, Leo calls me back over "we can talk over coffee later if you want?" I offer, he looks up and nods "sounds good" he says strained I smile and head back to the court.

I throw a towel over my shoulders and head back over to Donnie "coffee?" I ask with a smile he nods, we leave the court after Donnie informs Leo he will be home later. "I know this great place close to my house" I state as we approach a building painted bright yellow "its a cat cafe" I say with a smile and Donnie makes not effort to hide his smile this time and man is it a beatiful smile.

I open the door and head up to the front already losing Donnie to the cats, "a black coffee and a iced caramel latte?" i ask the lady she nods, i pay and head to find Donnie whos sitting at a table with a cat in his lap, "that one seems to like you" i say as he pets the black cat "i wish i could have a cat but Raph is allergic to fur and my dad is freaked out by any animals" he mumbles off as he pets the furry cat.

"Zavir!" my name is yelled i head up to the front taking the two coffees over "Leo said your a black coffee person" i say as i place the coffee cup down in front of him "he would be right, plain and simple" Donnie says taking a sip of his coffee. "simple is good, Unfortunately I have too much of a sweet tooth" i say sipping my latte, "so whats up?" i ask and i see him look up from the cat in his lap "nothing, just long night in the lab" he says, i have a feeling he isnt telling the whole truth but he seems happy right now so i'm not going to push.

I listen to Donnie talk about his latest project as we pet cats and drink our coffees. Its nice i like being around Donnie, even in just a friend way. my phone buzzes, i pick it up and my heart sinks, "whats wrong?" Donnie asks peaking over my shoulder before giving me what i think is a sympathic expression "do you want me to walk you home?" he asks. i look at the message again.

(Father) Get home now!

Thats all it says, did he find my report card? did he get a call from the school? did he find out i'm gay? all the scenarios are running through my head when a hand on my shoulder snaps me out of it, i look over at Donnie they look almost worried? "i'm sure it will be fine, and if its not i don't think my brothers or dad would mind you crashing on out couch" he says. With Anxiety corsing through me i nod.

I don't say a word as we leave the cafe, Donnie trails close next to me i cleanch and un cleanch my fists as we walk, stressed would be an understatement i'm beyoned that point, i feel a hand slip into mine, i stop and turn to Donnie next to me "your digging your nails into your skin, Mikey does it sometimes when he's anxious, this isnt going to be a regular thing cause i really don't want to touch your gressy hands but i'll let it slide for now" Donnie mumbles off avoiding eye contact with me.

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