Villian AU ( Varian x Hugo)

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Context: Hugo is a villain and has captured all of Varians friends, Varian and Hugo are in a confrence room discusing an agreement........

#warring some graffic scences ahead

(3rd Person)

Varian stares down Hugo, whos sitting at the other end of the table with a smug look on his face, "let my friends go" Varian states plainly, hugo laughs "not going to happen sunshine, you see your 'friends' keep interfering with my plans" he says, Varian clenches his fist, "and what plan would that be?" he says trying to get something out of this guy.

Hugo smiles "glad you asks, sit" he says and drops his smile, the chair clamps varians arms in place, Hugo get up from his chair and walks over to Varian strugling to get out, "one of you friends in particuler, Raupnzel, her family for many, many years has kept a secert from you, and the whole kingdom, do you want to know what that secert is?" Hugo asks Varian just glares at Hugo. "Her father murdered my whole family, just because they didnt do what he said" Hugo says putting on some black gloves, "I want to make them hurt, all of them you should understand that Varian, they wronged you too, mulitple times" he says.

Varian turns his head not facing Hugo, Hugo steps up to him and grabs his face, nearly inches apart, "come on sunshine, your going to have to admit to yourself sooner or later, I'm not the bad guy, they are" hugo says, Varian shakes his head out of the blonde boy's grasp, "that may be true but killing them? thats low, just let me talk to them they will apoligize i know they will-"

Hugo slams his fist on the table intrupting Varian. "dont you understand?! i dont want an apoligie i want them to pay! and this is the only way how" he says and composes himself again, "Sunshine, please, join me, we can get our revenge together" he says with a smile, Varian shakes his head "as much as i hate what they did to you and what they did to me, they dont desever death" Varian says, Hugo looks at Varian and sighs "fine, then you'll die with them" he says and calls his gaurds over.

"take him to the others, they'll all be thrown in to pit in the morning" Hugo says and looks at Varian "sorry it had to be this way Goggles, but you give me no choice" and with that Hugo sent the guards off. once the doors shut Hugo looks towards a painting of him and his family, his sister beside him, his mother and father behind him "i will get the revenge needed" he says and turns away.

down in the cells a new cell has just opened and varian gets thrown inside, "Varian is that you?" Raupnzel says, Varian sighs and gets off the ground, "yes, i'm here, I'm getting us out of here" he says and grab the keys out of his back pocket that he swiped from the guards. he unlocks his cell then his friends. "theres no reasoning with him we have to do what we have to do" Varian says.

Raupnzel looks at him with concern, "split into groups of three, group one will take care of the guards the other two groups find away out of the maze, me and Raupnzel will deal with Hugo" Varian says with no tone in his voice, everyone splits off, Varian and Raupnzel sneak around the buliding trying to find Hugo, "Varian somethings bothering you what is it?" Raupnzel asks, Varian stifens "its nothing, come on this way" he says running in a door.

Raupnzel stops him before he can go further, "Varian, something happend what is it?" Raupnzel says Varian pushes away "Its nothing i swear" he says and turns his body away to hide his tears, "did Hugo say something?" Raupnzel asks, Varian looks at her "what didnt he say? hmm? he a lying son of a bitch backstabber who i thought had the potencial to be- something i guess" Varian says and turns away again.

Raupnzel walks over and places a hand on Varians shoulder, "Varian? I- he's- umm look ok, yes Hugo betrayed you, yes he dug a knife right into your back when he told you he was just using you but theirs good in everyone, and if you think that there isnt you'll be just as bad as him. i saw how you looked at him back at home" Raupnzel says "with confusion?" Varian questions, Raupnzel laughs a little "no, with love, even if you dont want to admit it, you love him, so please dont do something you'll regret"

the doors swing open with guards, intruping Raupnzel and Varians conversation, "look what the cat dragged in" Hugo says walking out from behind a guard, "Goggles and the princess how lovely, get them" he says, the guards grab Varian and Raupnzel by the wrists, "you just couldnt stay away" Hugo says walking up to Varian, "Hugo please, dont do this" Varian pleads, hugo smiles "it sounds soo good when you beg for mercy, but no until she is dead i wont stop" he says pointing at raupnzel.

"Hugo listen to me for once" Varian says, hugo turns his head towards Varian. "i know your good, i know you have good in you, i know that your hurt, i know you think this will make everything better but it wont" Varian says Hugo looks down at the ground, "like you said, i was a villian once, i was hurt, i still am and i dont think it will ever heal, but killing people, innocent people, isnt going to feel that gap" Varian says.

"what diffrence does it make? even if i did let you all go, no one would forgive me" Hugo says, the guard losens it grip enough for Varian to relase himself, "please Hugo" he says and reaches out his arms, hugo moves forward and wraps his arms around Varian for a minute it was blis for a momment everything was fix for a minute everthing was fine.

But that minute cant last forever, a dagger get plunged into Varians back, the blood drips down his open stab, drenching his clothes, Varian looks at hugo in disbelif "sorry sunshine, but i have to avenge my family" he says and pulls the dagger out letting varian fall to the floor in a pool of blood........

Words 1090  4/25/2022

This turnned out better than exspected..........

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