Breaking in the new life (Zoe)

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Context: Zoe has moved into her own apartment thanks to chole, she decides to tell her only friend Marinette, little does she know shes about to meet a few new people.... (also this is based off a tik tok i saw)

(Zoe's POV)

my new apartment, marinette helped me pick it out after i told her that chole had basically kicked me out, honestly this is better anyway my own space. after the moving company drops off my boxes i go to set up my furniure, Marinette should be over in a little bit to help but she did say they had a band meeting to day that could run later that normal, after a few minute i get a call from the girl her self. "hey marinette" i say "hey Zoe so me and the band are

going to get food and i wanted to ask if you wanted to come with, and then after you and me can set up furniure for the rest of the night" she says i smile "sure sounds great, where should i meet you?" i ask "meet us by the bridge ok?" she says "yep sounds good see you in a minute" i say and hang up, i slip on my shoes and grab my bag, i lock my apartment door and start to head to the bridge. I take a short cut through a few buildings before ariving at the bridge,

i spoted her standing on a boat, i smile and head down to the boat. "oh good Zoe you made it" marinette said hugging me. i reaconzied a few faces but i dont really remmber most of the peoples names, "band zoe, zoe the band, you cleary know people from school, like adrian, ivan, mylen, rose and julika but these two you havent met, this is Luka, julikas brother and kagimi who goes to a diffrent school but is friend with me. (kagimi isnt in the band shes just

their to get out of the house) "nice to meet you two" i say they wave and continue their conversation i feel a little left out "lets go, everyone" marinette says and starts to walk off the boat, i start to walk off as i do i trip right before i hit the ground someone grabs my waist and pulls me back to my feet, "you need to be more careful" luka says kindly, i blush slightly "yeah i should" he realses my waist and we continue to walk. once we reach the closest restraunt rain starts

to pour, we all run inside laughing, i stand behind the group ordering my food last, "crap" i say when i realize i forgot my wallet at my apartment. "here let me pay" kagimi says, i shake my head "no you dont have to" i say she shrugs "its not a big deal, come on" she says, i smile at the gesture. i get seated between Luka and kagimi, i eat my food and feel like someones starring at me, i look over and see Marinette looking at me. i shrug as if to ask 'what?' she shakes her

head meaning 'will talk later' after lunch i talked with Luka and kagimi both who i think were flirting with me. i wave bye after getting both their phone numbers. "so what was that about?" Marinette asks on the way to my apartment "what are you talking about?" i ask she rolls her eyes "Luka and kagimi were flirting with you, so which one do you like?" she asks i shrug "their both nice so both" i say she stops in her tracks "both?" she repeats i nod "how can

you like both, i mean i get being bisexual-" she was about continue but i correct her "pan, I'm pansexual" i say she nods "Pansexaul, like i get liking both but which would you date?" she ask, i start walking again before answering "both? i dont get the problem your having" i say opening the door to my apartment building, she walks in and i shut the door, "so your polyamorous?" she asks, i nod "yeah, I'm pretty sure I've told you that" i say and unlock my

apartment door. "nice place, but back to what i was saying-" before she could continue i placed my hand over her mouth "no more questions, i need help building my bed so i can sleep in it tonight lets go" i say she nods and i remove my hand, "but-" i stop her "i will put duct tape over your mouth" i say she and i both laugh before going to build my bed. The following Monday i walk to school with marinette and Alya, the two best friends talk to each other whlie i

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