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My name is Skylar Sanders and if you're reading this, I'm sorry but it's too late. 

I'm already dead.

Laying in a pool of my own blood after being stabbed by someone I thought loved me. I still love them though, in all honesty. People make mistakes right? Especially when it's someone they love.

Isn't love just a bunch of crazy, obsessive feelings that tug and tear at you until you're drowning in the stuff? At least for most people I suppose so, in my case however the only thing I'll be drowning in is my own blood it seems like.

You might be curious about how I allowed myself to sink into this sorry state. Or maybe not? It would probably be better if you weren't curious. Then at least you'd be able to turn away now and save yourself from my fate. 

....Are you still there? Here I am dying and you're still reading?

You might be a little psycho, you know that? 

Well, if you're planning to stick around I might as well take you back to how this all began... it all started when I was a kid... kidding, I'm just messing with you. Don't get me wrong, my childhood was shit, however this whole mess started just three short months ago when I first stepped foot into a well known club in downtown manhattan.

Three Months Prior to the Shit Happening Now

The Tunnel had been a fairly popular club for the past year, it was still pretty new so all of the wannabe elitists of New York had been pining for the chance to make it onto the list to get inside. After a few months of trying I was finally able to secure my spot on the VIP list; only after waving my do-you-know-who-my-dad-is? card, he might be a shit parent but at least I have a name I can use. 

Walking up to the tall brick skyscraper I took a moment to lean back and appreciate the full scale of the building. Granted it was still one of the smaller ones on the street, the fact that the whole thing was nothing but nightclub was a crazy concept. The bright neon of the 80's inspired sign hung down, creating a pink glow over the crowd of people waiting in line by the doors. Every window on the building was coated in a solid black sheen not allowing a peek into what the inside of the club held but even so my heart started pumping faster at the anticipation of what I was going to find. I had to take a deep breath to calm the nerves that were threatening since my pulse increased.

I was pulled out of my mental pep talk by an arm encasing mine and pulling me toward the waiting bouncer. 

"Come oooon Sky! This is no time to be going off into your own world. I've been waiting too long for this!" My best friend, Ryna, had her arm looped tightly around mine as she pulled me closer to the looming figure.

"Names?" The bouncer asked in a rushed tone. However he had no problem checking us out beforehand. Rolling my eyes I answered "Skylar Sanders and Ryna Williams."

"Hmm, your good to go." The bouncer unlatched the rope from the post so we could get by. "Sanders? Any relation to..."

"We're good to go in right?" Not waiting for a reply I pressed to get by, wanting to avoid any more talk of my dad then was necessary. The creep leaned in closer as we passed so that we were forced to brush against him just to get through the space that was left. The real cherry on top was when I caught him blatantly staring at Ryna's ass in the reflection of the door. Real classy. The prick was making my anger spike and I hadn't even gotten a drink in me yet. 

Taking a second to cool down I pushed open the double door leading to the inside of the club, muttering a "fuckin' creep" under my breath before dragging Ryna inside with me since she was still attached to my arm.

The Tunnel was nothing like I had assumed it would be. Judging from the outside I had assumed that each floor would be a seperate club room but walking into the venue you immediately see that there is a large dance floor surrounding a bar area and the place is already packed with people, looking up I am surprised to see that the other levels of the building are nothing but balconies overlooking the main floor. I can see people dancing throughout each level and towards the very top there are what appears to be VIP booths instead of balconies. 

I look over at Ryna and her face mirrors how I assume mine looks; a mix of excitement and anticipation for what the night will hold.

Ryna and I make our way over to the bar and she orders for herself and then the bartender turns to me expectantly. "A rum and coke please." Ryna makes a face at my choice of drink and I make one back. "Just because I don't always drink fruity shit doesn't mean you gotta give me that look." 

"I didn't say anything." Her shoulders lift into a shrug before she drops them again, taking a sip of what I'm sure is a vodka something-or-other. Turning to face me she gives me a sly grin before asking "So, what's the plan tonight mama? I'm seeing plenty of potential here, that one on the dance floor hasn't taken his eyes off you since you walked in. If you don't hit that I just might." Her grin widens as I laugh at her comment.

Curiosity gets the better of me and I pretend to sip from my glass as I chance a glance in the direction of the dance floor. Ryna wasn't lying when she said he had been staring at me, I choke a little on my drink and have to turn away to wipe the excess from my mouth.

"Jesus Ryna, you could've warned me that he was locked on to me like that. I didn't expect to meet his gaze as soon as I looked over..."

Chuckling, she turned back towards the bar to order another drink. "I told you he's been looking at you since we got here. I'm surprised he hasn't made his way over to you yet honestly."

Realizing she's probably right about him making his way over soon I grabbed her arm and began pulling her towards the back elevator. 

"Aww, Mr. Gorgeous looks hurt. Maybe I should go cheer him up." I lock eyes with the man on the dance floor again as Ryna and I hurry to the back, his gaze tracking our steps the whole way and looking utterly confused as to why we were leaving. 

"Don't bother, he looks like trouble anyway. Plus, we're heading for something much more exciting than a random hook up." Excitement laced my words and I couldn't help the smile as the doors to the elevator closed us in.

"Well, don't leave me hanging! Where are we going?"

Pressing the button labeled basement on the panel, I turned to my friend "Tonight is the last night we'll be able to see the Griffin fight before he goes on leave to train for nationals. I practically had to beg Ax for the location of this match, he didn't want me coming because he won't be back until next week but he knows how much I wanted to see this. Dex should already be down there saving us a seat too."

"Ugh, I should've know this wasn't just a spur of the moment club outing. You're such a weirdo, Sky, you know that right?"

Before I could answer her the elevator doors opened up and the heady sent of testosterone and sweat laced through the air. The loud speaker kicked on and the announcer's voice rang out through the enclosed space.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Manhattan's best kept secret. All bets must be made before the match begins so finish up your transactions and please make your way to the bleachers as the boxing match will begin shortly."

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