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We all sat at the counter eating the breakfast Gage had made. It was surprisingly a very good meal. I can't remember the last time I'd been able to have a home cooked meal like that, even if it was just eggs and bacon. It was nice having a warm breakfast for once and having people other than my brother to chat with. Ryna comes over once in a while but usually only before we go out to the club, so this is a nice change of pace. It surprised me how well Gage and Wolf got along with each other as well, especially since Wolf and Gage had both expressed an interest in being with me.

Wolf was growing on me if I was being honest; the way he acted last night during the whole Travis situation was so unlike the cocky, self confident guy I had met that first night at the club. I feel like I really saw the MC president shining through last night, and I'd be lying if I said the authority he rediated didn't excite me a bit. It was nice knowing that he could be serious when the situation called for it. Thinking back on it I realized I've only ever seen Wolf be laidback around me; Dex said he's never been anything but the hard to read president since he'd met him.

From what I've read online about Gage, he's been training for pro boxing since he was 14. He never misses a morning session with his trainor yet here he is, sitting at my kitchen counter eating. "Is it okay that you're here? You're supposed to be training right now aren't you, and you even said you had to sneak out of the hotel last night to go to Ryna's party..."

Turning to face me, Gage's lips twisted into a lopsided smirk. "You really are a fan aren't you?" I felt my cheeks heat, my mouth parting. "I told you already that I was!"

"I didn't believe you." Gage shrugged his shoulders. "And I called Julian earlier to push training until this evening. I'm all yours until 3:00pm; I'm free after 8:00pm though." Gage winked as I tilted my head at him. Don't boxers have to keep a strict training schedule? Especially this close to his debut...

Wolf drew me out of my thoughts. "I've also pushed off club matters for the day; I wasn't sure if Gage was staying so I wanted to make sure you weren't alone today."

"Speaking of which, where is Dex? I would've thought he would show up with you."

"We got a lead on where Travis might be so he and a few of the other guys are going to scope out the area. Did you have plans today? I can run you to work if you have to go in today; come to think of it we should get a schedule down. I don't want you having to go out without someone to take you until we find him."

"I.. uh. I don't have to go anywhere today.."

"Okay, good. Are you scheduled to work this week? Where do you work?"

"I.... don't actually have a job...."

Wolf and Gage both tilted their heads at me, confused. Gage spoke up first. "Are you doing ok? You aren't at risk of being evicted are you?" I shook my head, both men waiting for me to explain.

"My brother takes care of rent, he's away right now but he'll be back in a couple of days. Speaking of, I can't give you a key; either of you. I'm so grateful to you both for all you did for me last night but my brother would flip out if he knew I gave a key to a guy, let alone two guys I've known for less than a week..."

Leaning into my space Gage draws my attention to his honey coated eyes, his smile warm and understanding. "Well then, guess we'll just have to work harder to earn one then." Wolf huffed, crossing his arms over his chest but nodding even with his grumpy pout. 

"That's another thing." I say as I stare between the two men in my kitchen. " You were at each other's throats last night at Ryna's, what changed?"

Wolf and Gage both shrug, looking to each other as they reply. "Common goals I guess." 

"Which is what exactly?"

Wolf spoke this time. "To keep you safe; protected."

"You've only just met me. Why would you feel that way? It doesn't make sense. You don't even know me."

"You refuse to give us the chance to get to know you." 

Gage lifted his hands behind his head, leaning back on the stool. " Regardless of if it makes sense or not, we both know how we feel about you."

I wasn't sure how to take what they were saying. I shouldn't want to believe what they were telling me but a part of me wanted what they said to be true; the broken, damaged girl wanted their words to be more than just the sweet lies I knew it was. Only I didn't understand why they would lie to me; I had already slept with Gage, he shouldn't even be here anymore and neither should Wolf with how much I blow him off.

Silence filled the space around us. I didn't know what more to say; they were right after all, I didn't want them to get to know me. There was no point opening myself up to that. Not with Axton so far away and Travis having shown up so close. I could only think that this whole situation most likely was not a coincidence. What was the chance he shows up the one week that Ax goes away? With that thought, I couldn't deny I was thankful for Gage and Wolf's presence. Gage clears his throat, the sound filling the room."So, since we're all free tonight how about we go out?"

"Out? Out where?" Gage's suggestion caught me off guard, I wasn't expecting Mr. Needs-a-mask-and-hoodie-to-go-to-a-party to suggest we go out into public. "How do you feel about going to The Tunnel?" 

Wolf was the one to chime in this time. "The club from the other night? Why there?" I decided to question Gage as well about his odd choice. "I never thought I'd say this but I agree with Wolf; Why there? I thought you couldn't go out in public?" Gage's gaze turned to me, a gleam in his eyes. "Thats correct. I can't, but I happen to know the owner and he owes me."

I still have no idea what that means but I'm not going to turn down a trip to a VIP club. "I'm in. Can I invite Dex and Ryna too?" Gage grins at me "Sure Angel, I don't have a problem with that. You deserve a party since yours got cut short last night."

"From my understanding, she had been planning to leave early yesterday even before that happened..." Wolf's glare was on me and I gave him a sheepish grin. His returned grin told me he was only teasing me so I relaxed. "Am I also invited to this party?" Gage looked from Wolf back to me. "That's your call Angel."

"As long as you're a good boy, I don't have an issue with you tagging along." I shrug and Gage chuckles at my remark. "Oh believe me Beautiful, I'll be on my best behavior... Although if you wanted me to be bad all you'd have to do is ask." Wolf winked and Gage burst into a laughing fit. It was going to be a long night, the two new BFFs were way too in sync for my liking and the fact that they were now both eying me as if they'd both like to eat me up didn't help to easy my mind. The sudden image of both Gage and Wolf in my bed with me between popped into my head, quickly waving it away I returned to my meal.

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