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Travis had disappeared from the party. No one had seen where he went and Dex and Wolf hadn't managed to dig up any clues about where he might have gone. It was late and the sounds from the party inside drifted in and out as the front door opened and closed; Ryna had left to return to her fun after checking to make sure I was alright. I had assured both her and Dex that I was fine, although I wasn't sure I was convinced of that myself too much.

Gage never left my side during the whole ordeal and I was immensely grateful for it; I might not have known him personally but the comfort that emanated from the man manifested itself regardless, I suppose having watched him grow into who he was over the years and making his videos my comfort source had caused me to subconsciously associate him with my own sense of security. He was my safety blanket and let me tell you, he lived up to that title. I'd barely know him four hours but from his reaction to the whole situation it had been like we'd known each other our whole lives, his arm never strayed too far from contact and he insisted on being included in the conversations that Dex and Wolf were having regarding their hunt for Travis. 

"Guys I really appreciate this, I do, but I just want to leave." Dex moved to me, cupping my tear stained cheeks in his hands and wiping at the remanence; I'm sure my makeup had been long since ruined and my face started to heat at the thought that two of the hottest guys I've ever seen were seeing me in such a state of disarray. 

"Okay, I'll finish this up with Wolf and Gage. Do you want me to take you back then, Princess? I can stay over too to make sure he doesn't show up at the house. Might be a bit cold on the bike though, should I see if Ryna has a jacket you can borrow?" 

"I can take her back, my car isn't too far from here and I'm sure it'll be warmer than having to ride a motorcycle in the chill." Gage's voice was calm as he offered. Our embrace earlier ran through my mind again and I wondered if he was planning to leave once he dropped me at home. Dex dropped his hands from my face and looked towards Wolf questioningly.

"I think that would be a good idea, we still don't know where that kid ran off too and I would prefer not chancing another run in. If you're okay with going back with Gage, I'll call some of the guys up and see if we can get a feed from some of the cameras around here. See if we can get a feel for where this guy went." Wolf came to stand by me, his eyes shining down at me mixed with so much emotion. I almost reached out to touch him but clenched my fists instead. Stupid hormones, I was practically freaking out with Gage standing so close against my back and Wolf in such close proximity to my front. It was a hot guy sandwich and I was too emotional to be in this situation right now. Realizing all three guys were still waiting for me to decide what I wanted to do I cleared my perverted thoughts and spoke up.

"I had already planned to go back with Gage so I don't mind," Looking over my shoulder I add " I'd really appreciate the ride, it's freezing tonight." Gage's smile gleamed and he nodded. Turning back to Wolf I continue "Are you okay with that?" Wolf's eyes widened slightly and the smirk that followed hooded his eyes. Leaning into my ear, Wolf's voice was low and sultry as he spoke to me.

"Beautiful, you are free to do whatever you need to do. Sleep with who you need to sleep with, kiss who you need to kiss. I do not control you nor is it my intention to prevent your happiness. I simply wish to add to it. So by all means, fuck the hulking boxer, but just know that while you are I'll be cumming remembering the feel of you against my dick as you rode my bike. I have no intentions of backing down, I want you Skylar. My job tonight is as your protector and I'll show you soon enough that I'm worthy to be your lover as well."

A shaky breath escaped as Wolf leaned back, that stupid grin still planted on his lips. Probably having widened at my stunned silence. When Wolf and I had first met, I thought he was only after me for sex which isn't a bad thing but he went about it all wrong; he was cocky and felt that it was owed to him. The more I spend time with the man however, the more I'm beginning to feel that that might not have been the real him that night. No matter how much my opinion of him changed however, there was no way Wolf would ever be my lover as he put it. He was off-limits.

Dex cleared his throat, clearly feeling awkward in the silence and I'm sure the heated stares the two men on either side of me were throwing my way. "Alright, well if you don't mind I'm gonna follow you guys back to the apartment. I wanna make sure Sky gets home safe and I need to make sure the place is safe, I'll have to text Ax to make sure he's updated as well."

"NO!" All eyes snapped to me at my outburst, wide and confused. "Please! Dex you can't tell him, not yet. He still has two days before he gets back; you know he'll freak if he hears that Travis was here and be on the first flight back. Please, he deserves this vacation..." 

Sighing, Dex pinched the space between his brows. "Fine, okay. We'll wait until he's back, you're telling him though. I'm not taking the fall for this one." 

"Thanks Dexy." Moving out of the man sandwich I was in I encompassed Dex in a bear hug and he returned it, leaning down to whisper "Also, I'm pretty sure you've got your hands full with these two. They haven't stopped staring daggers at me since you came over here. I love you but I think I'm gonna be murdered if you keep clinging to me."

Chuckling I pull away from Dex and return to the guys waiting for me. Taking Gages hand I smile up at him and then turn to Wolf. "Thank you both, that whole situation with Travis could have turned really bad so I'm glad you were both there ready to back me up. I think that's how I found the courage to actually stand up to the jerk. Now if you don't mind; it's cold, late, and I'm mentally exhausted now. I'd like to go home." Gage's hand firmly gripped mine and he was about to drag me away when Wolf spoke up.

"Text me to let me know you made it back safe, Beautiful." Turning to Dex he adds "Make sure to keep me updated on if the apartment is all clear, I'm gonna go meet up with Sammy to see if we can get a look on the area." 

And with that I left with Gage, Dex riding our ass as we drove and Wolf left to track down my ex-boyfriend all the while I couldn't get the smell of sandalwood and honeysuckle out of my head. Two very different scents that made a surprisingly enticing mix, heat flooded my core and I was reminded of how I felt being between the heat of Wolf and Gage's bodies; my thighs clenched against the leather seat of Gage's car as I pictured the two men again, all of us naked and entangled in bed. 

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