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*Valen's POV*

I sprang up in my bed, the sheet falling as I jumped to my feet frantically looking around the room for what the source of the noise was. The realization of what I was hearing finally hitting my drowsy mind a second later; someone was screaming. 

A woman was screaming.

I couldn't think straight. I bolted to my nightstand and grabbing the pistol from the drawer before throwing open my door and racing down the hall and towards the sound. My mind went blank, my only focus was getting to where Skylar was. 

Coming around the final hallway, the sounds got louder as I got closer to where the others were staying. I tried my best to understand what was happening before I got to them but my brain couldn't work it out in time. 

"What's happening? Is Skylar hurt?!" My nerves were all over the place and I felt too anxious, Gage held Sky against his chest as they sat on the bed in their room. Her eyes were shut tight and she fought against Gage's grip as he rocked her. Wolf was already in the room, he leaned into the wall and watched Skylar intently as she continued to scream.

"She's having a nightmare. She's had a few the nights I stayed over her place but none this bad..." I sheathed my gun in the waistband of my pajama pants and looked around, trying to see if there was anything to help. "What do we do? We can't just let her keep going like that..." Wolf's voice was strained like he was having trouble controlling himself. I couldn't blame him; I was having trouble at the moment too honestly.

"She's not waking up. Can one of you get her brother? I'm hoping he'll know what to do..." I was out the door before Gage finished asking. My body moving before my brain could catch up, stopping outside of Axton's door and banging my fist against the wood. These rooms were practically soundproof so it's understandable that he probably couldn't hear Sky screaming, I was frantically yelling through the door now and only stopped when a drowsy Axton opened up. It took a second for the guy to make sense of the noises himself but that's all it took for him to push past me and run down the hall to Sky's room.

Her screams were piercing and I hated that I didn't know how to help her, I only hoped that her brother could in some way...

Ax ran into the room to where Gage was with Sky, he looked frazzled like the rest of us but his demeanor softened when he saw her there. Taking her from Gage's arms he ordered the other guy to go start the shower and put it on the coldest setting he could make it. Gage jumped up and ran into the bathroom as Ax followed behind with Skylar in his arms. 

Wolf and I followed after them, our focus on Sky as her screaming continued. Axton was humming now, some song I couldn't name as he walked Skylar into the room and over to where Gage waited by the shower. Without stopping, Ax walked directly into the running water with Skylar clutching his chest. He used the side of the shower wall to lower himself and Skylar onto the ground of the fixture. Her screams died down as the cold water washed over them, turning into sobs and then to whimpers after. The whole time Ax continued to sit holding her to him, his body rocked her as he kept up his rhythmic humming over the sound of the running water.

Skylar's noises died down after about thirty minutes like that. After her body relaxed, Axton motioned for Gage to help him back up and I walked over to get them both towels to dry off. Gage took Skylar from Axton and held her against his chest again, unfazed by the water drenching his own clothes. I walked back over and handed Ax a towel, turning and lifting the towel to begin drying Skylar off. The fluffy fabric was yanked from my hand by Wolf before I reached her and I had to restrain myself from taking it back. 

I felt useless. I knew that it wasn't my place to dry her off; that Wolf had more of a right to helping her in that way than I did but I couldn't help her when she was screaming and now I couldn't even help her get comfortable again. I wanted to be useful to Skylar...

Exiting the bathroom, I walked over to the two suitcases laid out on the dresser in the corner of the room. I grabbed a dry set of pajamas from out of Skylar's and hesitated before adding underwear to the pile I held. I turned back and walked into the room again, holding onto the clothes until Wolf began to remove the ones Skylar had on. 

"Alright, I think that's our cue to get out of here..." Ax took the clothes I held and tossed them to Wolf who easily caught them before he spun around and motioned for me to follow him out. I desperately wanted nothing more than to stay with Skylar but I also didn't want to make her uncomfortable so I followed him out. Once we were by ourselves in the bedroom, Ax turned back to face me. Drops of water still clung to parts of his skin and he had the towel draped over his shoulders to catch any stray water from his hair. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Her nightmares usually don't get to that level but she was probably holding in a lot of stress about what I told her about earlier. She's been through some fucked up shit back home... More than any kid should ever have to go through. Really fucked up her mental state, mine too honestly but Dad definitely treated her the worst..."

"Please don't feel like either of you need to apologize to me or anyone for that matter. I can understand fucked up families, I've had my fair share of family trauma as well..." Ax nodded, continuing what he was saying. 

"She's gonna get worse when I leave here. She has trouble being alone, especially at night, something about the dark... I know it'd be imposing on you-,"

 "Please, if there's anything I can do to help her I will do it." Ax gave a lazy smile at my words.

"Thank you. I think it would help her if her friends stayed with her during her time here. The more people she has to look after her the better. We're very grateful to you for helping us as much as you are; I'm very grateful. Skylar hasn't ever gotten to be a normal fucking kid and I always hated that I couldn't give that to her. But seeing how she acts around you guys, I feel like she's beginning to get her sense of who she is back... So thank you for allowing her to have this sliver of freedom while she stays here..."

Gage and Wolf emerged from the bathroom before I could respond, Gage still holding Sky to him as he walked her to the bed and laid down. Ax's voice was a whisper as he spoke to me again. "Promise me you'll take care of her while I'm gone..." 

"I promise. I will guard her with my life." We looked to each other and after staring at me for a moment he nodded, turning back to look at Skylar again. 

"I believe that. I'd bet those two would agree." We were silent as Wolf brought the blanket over Sky's sleeping body. Him and Gage both looked at the sleeping girl, their thoughts easily read on their faces. Skylar was safe here and we'd be sure to show her that.

Her soft breaths were content now as she relaxed into Gage's large body. Axton, Wolf, and I left the room, glad to have seemingly calmed her for the time being. 

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