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My whole body tingled where Gage was pressed against me. His leg was pressed against my core and any movement from him caused his thigh to brush against my clit under my dress; I couldn't deny how turned on this whole situation was making me. Gage's piercing stare drew closer as he leaned in, his hot breath fanning across my already heated face and my head couldn't seem to register what was happening. 

I took in deep breaths to calm myself but it didn't help any with Gage's heady scent filling the space between us. My nose was filled with his woodsy smell and my head clouded even more as all I could feel was desire. Gage's breathing also seemed to increase against me and his voice rang out husky as he spoke. "Fuck," His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed and his eyes slid to my lips. "Sky, would you mind if I kissed you?" Gage's voice was pleading, his words laced with his own desire. He was being affected as much as I was right now and the thought that this man I had idolized for years and found comfort in wanted me was so unbelievable.

Before logic could take hold, my arms moved to cup Gage's face, closing the distance and bringing his face to meet mine. His lips were full and tasted sweet as they molded to mine, my arms laced around his neck holding him to me as I deepened our embrace. Rough stubble lined Gage's jaw and I moved to kiss along it, Gage took that moment to grab my hips and hoist me up so that I was crushed between him and the wall. My legs wrapped around his waist as his hands moved further down my thighs, sliding up and under the short hemline of my dress. I let out a moan, allowing my head to lean back and warm lips began sucking on the exposed skin of my neck. One of Gage's hands moved to cup my ass as the other was removed from under my dress and worked to pull down the strap covering my cleavage. The string released and the fabric fell to the side, exposing my bare breast along with the hardened nipple with it. Gage leaned back to take in the sight; I was sure my hair was a mess by now having been tussled during our makeout session, my face was flushed pink from my arousal, the dress I was wearing rode up at my hips as my legs clung to Gage's body exposing the black lace that had been underneath, along with my bare tit that hung in full view.

Gage let out  a low groan of approval, both hands moving to run up my sides and grip my waist as he bent in and began kissing me again. His tongue brushed against my lower lip and I eagerly opened up for it to slip in. Gage's hand moved to cup my breast and he began kneading the soft skin. Fingers teased my nipple and he clasped onto it causing a whimper to escape my lips at the sinsation. I wanted this man so badly; I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol buzzing through my system, the sexual tension I'd been feeling with Wolf, or maybe it's just because I hadn't gotten laid in a while and needed the release. Whatever the case, I knew sleeping with a sexy-as-sin boxer who was set to leave in a few days would be just the one night stand I had been hoping for tonight so I wasn't going to let the opportunity slip by.

I pulled back from Gage's soft lips, he followed in protest before leaning back to look at me questioningly. Smiling, I gripped his hoodie making sure to let him know I was still very interested. "Did you wanna get out of here?" A smile tugged at his lips and he agreed eagerly, letting me down to fix my outfit before we went back downstairs. Pulling my phone from my pocket, my eyes widened as I took in the 27 new messages I had along with the 10 missed calls all from Wolf's number. Shit.

"How the fuck-?" Gage's expressioned turned concerned as he watched me. 

"Everything ok, Angel?" Opening the messages I skimmed through, most just a Where r u? or Sky, please respond but the most recent one sent me into a panic; Skylar, I'm coming to find you. Sent a whole five minutes ago. "Shit!" Looking back up at Gage I was sure my face showed how worried I was; was I scared of what Wolf would do once he found me? No, what I was worried about was how he would react to seeing me with Gage. Wolf didn't seem like the type to be ok with sharing. Grabbing onto Gage's hand I was determined to get us out of the party and away from Wolf, I'd let Dex and Ryna know I left early and sneak out the fire escape on the third floor. Making a beeline through the packed hallways, we were almost to our freedom when a voice broke through the chatter in the crowd. "Skylar Sanders!" I halted in my steps, causing Gage to almost slam into my back before catching himself, my hand clinging to his tightened as I turned towards an angry Wolf making his way to us. My anger flared at the sight. Who did this guy think he was? We had only know each other for a day, why was he stomping over to me like an angry boyfriend.

"What do you want Wolf?" My voice was hard and steady as Wolf stood in front of me staring daggers. His gaze briefly flashed to Gage and our joined hands as we all stood there. "What I want, Skylar, is to know where you've been for the past half hour. I gave you the space you wanted but I still have a job to do here; you can't just run off on your own like that, do you know how worried I've been?" That surprised me but I kept my face harsh.

"I'm an adult, Wolf, in case you hadn't noticed. I can in fact take care of myself no matter what Dex or you might think. You barely know me. And I wasn't alone if you hadn't noticed." 

Wolf's gaze flicked over to where Gage stood behind me, he had moved up to encompass my back while I was talking to Wolf; his arm wrapping around my waist to emphasize the fact we had been together upstairs. Wolf's eyes hardened as he stared at Gage and I looked back to find him with a similar expression. Getting fed up with the show of toxic masculinity I decided it was time for us to go.

"We're getting out of here," Gripping Gage's hand in mine again I turned and began to head toward the stairs to the bottom floor, deciding there was no need to sneak out if we had already been caught. "Tell Dex I went home when you see him. I'll text him and Ryna later to let them know I'm ok." Finishing my sentence we made it a couple more feet before my night decided to really screw me over. Stopping dead in my tracks once again I looked directly into the face that was staring at me from his spot by the stairs. His dark blue eyes twinkled as he took me in and a slimy grin molded his lips as he began to saunter over to where I was. My body stiffened and I had to hold back the small tremors that wanted to rack my being. He couldn't be here. He wasn't allowed. But he was here and he had already seen me. I couldn't escape this.

"Hey kitten, it's been too long. I missed you."

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