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I woke to an empty bed. 

A pang of sadness washed over me before I shook it off. I expected this; wanted it even. It was a one night stand, nothing more. Obviously someone like the Griffin wouldn't stick around the next day, I'm sure he goes home with girls a lot. Still, sitting here staring at the ceiling wasn't helping the loneliness creeping in from the absence of him in my bed. Sighing, I lean over and get my phone from where I had placed it on my nightstand. I unlocked the screen revealing an array of missed calls and texts. 10 unread texts from Wolf, 3 missed calls, 1 voicemail. 3 unread texts from Ax. 2 unread texts from Dex, 1 missed call. Jumping up in bed I realized I never let Wolf know I made it home safe, shit. I frantically opened his message stream and curse.

Are you home?


Skylar, answer.


The other messages similar to the first few, just trying to get me to respond. I click on the voicemail left this morning. The time stamp showing 10:15am; only 10 minutes ago. Wolf's voice rings rough through my speaker, dark and brooding. He's definitely pissed at me.

"I'm on my way."

The dial tone clicking as he hung up. I sit for a second more processing before I spring from my bed, grabbing a towel from the rack I run to the shared bathroom across the hall from my room. Slamming the door, I hurriedly start up the showerhead and brush my teeth while I wait for the water to heat. I wasn't sure how far away Wolf actually was but he said he was on his way and if he's already pissed off I don't want to give him anymore reason so I need to clean myself up quick. I hopped into the hot water making sure to scrub myself down and clean up any evidence of my fling with Gage last night.

Feeling content with my cleanup I get out and dry myself off, wrapping the towel around my body and exiting the bathroom. I was about to make my way to my room when the smell of bacon and eggs hit me. I paused at my door, the silence in the stillness allowing me to pick up on the low sounds of mumbling coming from the front of the apartment. Fuck, who was in my apartment? I quietly made my way to where I stashed the knife that Ax had gifted me, gripping the handle I used my free hand to grip my towel closed; I would have prefered to have put on actual clothes but no time for that right now. I tightened my hand around the knife and said a silent prayer that this wasn't one of Travis' men come looking for me. Molding myself against the wall I carefully peeked my head around the side to look at where the voices were coming from. Two figures stood in the kitchen, their backs to me but they were still unmistakeable.

The surprise at who I saw caused me to accidentally let the knife slip from my hand, the sharp metal clattering to the floor. I had thankfully moved my foot out of the way before the blade could hit me but as I moved to dodge a stunned curse managed to yelp out of me; both noises silencing the voices in the kitchen and I heard a heavy set of footfalls hit the ground and round the corner towards me before I could move. 

Wolf's bright green gaze locked onto mine, my eyes widening as he took me in. Wolf's eyes ran down my body and I quickly realized I was only wearing a thin towel to cover myself. A look of amusement passed over him and then quickly turned back into the simmering anger I had sensed in his tone earlier.

"So, looks like you made it home fine. Strange since I never received a response from you."

"I was...preoccupied."

"I gathered as much when I walked in to find the boxer half naked in the kitchen."

"Gage is still here?" I pushed past where Wolf had me pinned against the wall, ignoring the thrill that passed when our arms brushed and making my way around to stand in the kitchen. Gage was indeed still in my apartment, only wearing his jeans from last night; no shirt on so his muscles were on full display as he worked over the stove. A plate of eggs sat on the island counter as well as another of bacon right next to it. He made breakfast? At the sound of my arrival Gage tossed a warm smile at me from over his shoulder.

"Morning Angel. Hope you don't mind, I used up the last of the eggs in the fridge. I wasn't sure how hungry you'd be when you woke up; decided I'd make a good amount since a lot happened last night." Winking he returned his focus to the task on the stove. I stood dumbfounded for a second longer before a thought dawned on me. Turning on my heel I whipped around to where Wolf was reentering the kitchen, my eyes shot to his. "What do you mean walked in? Who let you in?"

Holding up his hand, Wolf dangled a set of keys in front of him, mouth turning into a lopsided grin as they swayed. "I borrowed a key."

My mouth dropped. This psycho really took Dex's key to my place? What the fuck? "There's no way Dex just gave you his key."

"Like I said, I borrowed the key. I have full intention to return it to him, on one condition."

"What condition? They aren't even your keys?"

"Exactly. I want my own key." My brow lifted at his demand. "I'm a part of this now sweetheart, whatever is happening involves members of my club as well. It isn't just you anymore. I want to know you're safe and be able to get to you if I need to. I want you to put at least some of your trust in me, I feel like I deserve something for using my own resources to find out where your ex went last night."

I sigh as I rub my temples, a headache setting in. "You have a copy with you, how do I know you haven't made your own key already?"

"Because, it would be pointless for me to make a key myself. If I really wanted to get into your apartment I don't need a key to do so. I want your trust, I want you to know you can rely on me if you're in trouble. I think having my own key would symbolize that very well." Wolf's eyes were intent as he spoke to me and he leaned in to where I stood. My head tilting back to keep the stare we had been holding. A plate clanked to the counter next to us, drawing both our attention to the half naked chef leaning his hands against the counter. Gage's eyes flicked back and forth between Wolf and me before he spoke.

"I want one too. A key."

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