[BOOK 2 OF THE SHARING SERIES]Once, two girls were sharing one life. Their existences turned into one, and as the lines blurred and the beginning of one life merged with the other, the girls found a way to fix their problem. They went their separate...
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You'd think that after almost two years of underground hideouts and constant moving, Sasuke would be used to it by now, would stop trying to settle somewhere, emptying his bags, neatly organizing his weapons, his shampoo bottle, and more recently, his razor and aftershave, but no. Uchiha Sasuke has always needed consistency in his life, order, and tidiness, and he doesn't think it will ever change.
And maybe that's why he's gotten used to Hana's late visits, even though it feels utterly wrong every time he lets her have her way with him. But Hana looks like a grown woman, and Sasuke has unmanageable needs that the drugs he's taking and the curse mark on his neck heighten considerably.
He's never let himself care, though, and he can tell it's bothering her. But who would have thought the girl was looking for more when she boldly took off her shirt before him for the first time? And perhaps he should have questioned her actions, but her hand slid up his thigh the second after, and his mind turned blank.
Hana tried to cuddle a few times, but Sasuke quickly clarified it would never be about that, about more than filling a need, releasing some tension. She accepted it the way she does everything lately, with a shrug of her shoulders, squaring her jaw.
His mother wouldn't be proud of what he's become. It would devastate Sakura to hear those rumours. But Sasuke doesn't care anymore. That's the beauty of the curse mark and Orochimaru's teaching: what he gains in strength, he loses in humanity.
How many days before he makes his first kill? Before the beast crushes the last bits of good left in him?
Not much, he can tell.
Ever since he's found Hana willingly getting butchered by Kabuto, and they've given him an ultimatum concerning Sakura's life, he's constantly weighing the pros and cons of that option. Either he kills some random shinobi for the benefit of his sensei, or he ends Sakura's life and gains the Mangekyō.
A few months ago, that wouldn't have been an issue at all. This is proof that the beast is slowly winning the fight. Because recently, instead of thinking about the pretty pink-haired girl and how the world wouldn't be the same without her light laugh and bright green eyes, he's starting to believe that if he has to kill somebody, he may as well gain something in return. Right?
With the Mangekyō, he would have a fair chance at winning against his brother. The only one, actually.