[BOOK 2 OF THE SHARING SERIES]Once, two girls were sharing one life. Their existences turned into one, and as the lines blurred and the beginning of one life merged with the other, the girls found a way to fix their problem. They went their separate...
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𝓝𝓮𝔃𝓾𝓶𝓲 𝓗𝓪𝓷𝓪 has changed her name several times over the past four years, unable to identify with her father's surname and desperately searching for a new identity, one that didn't sound so damn weak.
She first changed it for Haruno when she invaded Sakura's life but felt like an outsider the whole time. And Inuzuka has never really been on the table, Wolf's body being nothing more than a vessel. She contemplated using Kaguya when Kabuto started his experiments, implementing Kimimaro's Kekkei Genkai into her DNA but eventually settled on Ōtsutsuki.
And now, the more she thinks about it, the more she realizes she doesn't want to become the next Rabbit Goddess. Hana has been munching over Kakashi's words from the previous night, and admittedly, life does sound lonely at the summit. But to accept being just another teeny-tiny mouse means she must abandon her plan to steal Sakura's life, which implies letting go of the insufferable Uchiha. And the idea sounds a lot like loneliness to her.
Contrary to popular belief, Sasuke's always been more to her than a friend with benefits. She doesn't know exactly when, but her hatred has eventually morphed into something new, something that renders her disturbingly giddy. She woke up one day realizing she could retrace every scar marring his alabaster skin, make the tip of his ears turn crimson on demand, and read on the lines of his face when he felt just as lonely as her.
She knows him more than Sakura ever will, understands the deepest, darkest parts of his soul, and they could share a life of misery without her regretting it even for one second.
And sometimes, she wonders what he would think of that. Uchiha Hana... it has a nice ring to it.
Lost in her fantasy, Hana absentmindedly surveys the Uchiha all morning, watching as he rests by his brother's side, then eats alone on a rock, distancing himself from everyone. When he finally exits the vicinity, heading for the stream, she waits half a minute before following him.
Upon reaching the water, Hana peeks through the foliage as Sasuke removes his bloodied clothes, admiring his defined muscles and wishing he would let her fingers follow the creases of his six-pack again. Sometimes, she wonders what she loathes more, how his mere presence suffices to turn her into an insufferable, giddy teenager, or that even when they're together, he feels hundreds of miles away.
A twig snaps, attracting Sasuke's keen eyes to her. "What do you want?" he asks, holding a fresh shirt before him to hide his naked state.
Hana emerges from the bushes with a sigh. "Why so pudic? There's nothing I haven't seen before."