[BOOK 2 OF THE SHARING SERIES]Once, two girls were sharing one life. Their existences turned into one, and as the lines blurred and the beginning of one life merged with the other, the girls found a way to fix their problem. They went their separate...
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𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝔀𝓪𝓼 a bad idea.
Sakura strains her ears, and the footfalls of a dozen men welcome her as she tries to calm down her panicked heart.
Why did they all follow me? Weren't they after Naruto, after the Kyūbi?
She glances at her pursuers to count the number jumping through the trees, but a sudden droplet lands on her cheek and redirects her attention upward.
Dark clouds obscure the sky, and a strong wind tangles Sakura's pink hair.
Kami! The last thing I need is a storm!
Sakura picks up her pace and keeps running until darkness envelops her. She cannot say how many hours she's spent with all of her chakra directed to the muscles of her legs, her blinking eyes trying to see through the curtains of rain. But she can feel the fatigue now.
She slows down, infuses chakra to her ears, and a small smile graces her lips when she realizes the distance she's gained over her opponents. So she drops to the forest floor, ignoring her body's protests upon landing, and settles on locating the river she knows courses through those woods.
She follows the sound of the flowing water and soon reaches the shore. Her hands fly to her mission bag on instinct, but her shoulders slump once she realizes she hasn't brought it. She tries not to dwell on that problem too much and instead focuses on the water running in her mouth, easing her cracked lips and dry throat.
She freezes at every rolling pebble, every snapping of twigs, like a defenceless doe with big bright eyes reverberating the moonlight. But Sakura isn't the easy prey she used to be. She may not be the strongest or the biggest, but she's cunning, like the fox.
Instead of forcing her weight on her tired legs again, she dives into the cold water, ignoring the feeling of needles piercing her skin.
Then she lets her body drift as her eyes search for the perfect hideout. At last, she settles on digging a hole behind three big rocks when the cold water becomes too much to bear. She coats her body with the discarded mud to ensure no one can spot her pink hair or green shirt, then crawls under the rocks and rests her head on the cold, mushy ground. Her eyes are closed as she turns her focus to her surroundings.