[BOOK 2 OF THE SHARING SERIES]Once, two girls were sharing one life. Their existences turned into one, and as the lines blurred and the beginning of one life merged with the other, the girls found a way to fix their problem. They went their separate...
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𝓢𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓴𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓼 inside the hideout, interrupting the chatter coming from his three companions. He sits by the fire, head engulfed in his hands to hide his troubled gaze.
So what if Sakura doesn't want to share what's happening in her life? It shouldn't annoy him. He shouldn't care.
Their kiss keeps replaying in his head, the lingering feeling of her soft lips impossible to forget. The familiar touch makes him long for Konoha and his old life. It reminds him of the reason he sought Orochimaru's help in the first place: to protect his precious people.
Not-so-subtle whispers to his left interrupt his thoughts. Sasuke glances at Karin and Suigetsu and finds them engrossed in deep conversation.
At least they're not bickering this time.
Jūgo diverts his attention by clearing his throat. "Suigetsu told me," he hesitates, the softness in his voice and overall appearance—his tall frame and bulky biceps—contrasting. "Sakura-chan thinks the man with the orange mask is an Uchiha."
"It wasn't Itachi's chakra," Karin interjects, pushing her glasses up her nose.
"Obviously," Sasuke spits, venom in his voice. "I don't need you to tell me who my brother is."
Since his conversation with Sakura, Sasuke can't help but feel guilt every time he thinks of the redhead. Mix that with a well-deserved grudge, and you get an explosive cocktail—if the pulse on his neck isn't proof enough.
Suigetsu, brows furrowed, leans closer to Karin and whispers loud enough for Sasuke to hear: "Is it me, or is he even more annoyed by you than usual?"
"To be annoyed would mean that I care. I don't."
Annoying. Only one person can get under his skin enough to win that title, and she's currently outside, dealing with her problems by herself, in secrecy, like the goddamn annoying girl she is.
"But is he an Uchiha?" Jūgo presses, trying to dissipate any conflict.
Sasuke sighs and gazes back to the dancing flames, pondering Jūgo's question that underlies another. Believing the man to be an Uchiha would mean trusting Sakura. Not that he ever doubted her judgement before. She's always been the smartest of Team Seven. But if she doesn't trust him, why divulge such information?