⁓ Fifteen ⁓

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In retrospect, there are a few things Sakura would have done differently: she would have told Ino earlier in life she didn't want the rivalry, only the friendship. Sakura would have also fallen in love with the sunny blond guy who wished nothing but to make her happy; she wouldn't have gotten impaled for a boy who couldn't even care enough to meet her eyes.

She had been waiting for this moment for two years. The moment she would see Sasuke again and hear him beg for help. She had planned everything in her head, how he would come back home, how his deep dark gaze would be full of guilt and longing, how he would end the whole thing with a passionate kiss. She was ready to welcome him with open arms.

Sakura remembers how fast her heart rate was as she ran through the corridors of Orochimaru's hideout. It was as if she could feel how close he was even without seeing him. It was finally over. They had defeated a member of the Akatsuki, and now, they would help Sasuke finish that snake bastard.

All this training, this angst, this loneliness wouldn't have been for nothing.

But Sasuke decided otherwise.

And now, she's left with a hole in her heart, unable to stop pounding the earth with her fists, her mind a hundred miles away.

Until someone brings her back.

"Sakura, your hands are bleeding."

The said girl jerks her head up, sending pink locks flying left and right. She had been so focused on her anger and her only way to release it that she hadn't heard Neji arrive. She glances at her throbbing knuckles, then at the ground covered in blood, and dismisses it with a shrug of her shoulders.

"At least I didn't use chakra..."

Neji sighs with a shake of his head and drops to the ground beside her.

"Thank Kami, you didn't."

Sakura avoids his lavender eyes, not wanting to see the pity she guesses they bear. She jumps when he takes one of her hands and pulls it out of his grasp.

"What are you doing?"

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