Chapter One

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"Hey, do you have some water left?", I asked my brother as we walked back to our camp. We were out looking for supplies but all we had found was a gun without ammo and some clothes we didn't really need.

Still, we took it. You could never know what would be useful one day.

"I got some.", my sister Kourtney answered and handed me a scratchy-looking plastic bottle. The water was warm and disgusting and tasted like biter-piss but I didn't complain.

I didn't complain about anything anymore since our parents died. A group of biters attacked us and we had to watch as they tore the skin off their faces. In the very beginning of the apocalypse we lost our little sister Cassie. Our family was now only half as big as it was before it all started, so we stuck together even more.

I glanced at my watch. "It's getting dark in two hours, we still have plenty of time.", I announced. "Maybe we could go over there and look for more?" Tony sighed. "Fine. But only a few minutes.", he said and turned left.

We went past our camp to the east. If you could call that thing a camp, it was a place in the woods but still close to the road. We had tensioned ropes around some trees and put tableware on it so we'd hear every single biter that came towards us.

Each of us had a knife, Tony was the only one who had a gun with ammo. He was the only one of us that knew how to handle it. And my sister was really good with sticks and speers, she always carried one with her. She had carved a sharp tip into the top of it so it'd be easier to kill biters with it.

I was pretty good at handling a bow but we never found one not to speak of arrows I could use. We could take out five to eight biters together, but more were simply too much for us. Since we had lost our parents we were desperately looking for other people. Another camp or a community that would take us in, if that even existed, but all we came across were more biters.

We hiked on the road for about ten minutes until Tony, who was walking ahead, shouted, "There!" and pointed at something. We all ran towards it. It was a barn which probably belonged to a hunter. And hunter meant weapons. Jackpot.

"Hold on", I said as Kourtney was about to open the door. I drew my knife, snuck towards the barn and listened. Then I knocked on the robust door a few times and motioned for them to stay quiet. A muffled growl answered.

"There's one inside.", I said and looked at them. Both nodded and Tony pushed the door open, the pistol at the ready. There was a biter, but it was far away from attacking us.

It snarled as its hands desperately tried to reach us. "Oh my god.", Kourtney said and turned away. "The poor guy." He had hung himself in his own barn. I looked for something on the desk but he didn't even leave a message.

Kourtney grimaced and pushed the top of her stick into the biters' head. I cut the dead body down and removed the rope from its throat. It wouldn't bring him back to life but it somehow made me feel better. In the meantime Tony opened all the drawers and cupboards to find something useful.

"This dude got every knife and saw I can think of.", he said and grinned.

"And don't even get me started on the guns.", I heard Kourtney mumble behind me.

There even was a minibar but the only thing I found in there was beer. "Kourt, check this out.", I said and tossed her one of the cans. "Damn, still cold.", she said after observing it for a moment. "What do you say Tony, should we take it with us?"

As an answer, Tony coughed. "Oh lord, did little Tony catch a cold?", Kourtney mocked him. "Very funny.", Tony said. "I choked on something. But hell yeah, let's take the beer."

After we finished stuffing every single weapon we found into our pockets we made our way back to the tents. As we were crossing the road, we heard a vehicle. "Shit, what do we do?", I whispered.

"Hide.", Tony ordered and dived to the closest bush. "But what if they could help us?", Kourtney asked. "Too risky.", Tony and I said at the same time.

I closed my eyes and prayed that whoever it was would just keep driving. But that didn't happen. A dark truck braked with screeching tires and I heard how someone got out. Tony put a finger in front of his lips and slowly pulled a MP5 out of his backpack.

My heart pounded up in my throat and I dared to peek over the leaves. I immediately ducked again. "It's only one man.", I mouthed to Tony.

He suddenly looked at the bush we were hiding behind. He had heard us. I knew what he was thinking. The guy had a truck, and a truck was likely to provide supplies. And now that he noticed us it was too late.

"Do it.", Kourtney whispered. She knew what we were thinking. It had to be done. I closed my eyes.

Tony took a deep breath, loaded the gun like lightning, straightened up and shot at the man. If we only knew what we had just triggered. Tony's shot missed the man's head but hit him in the leg. He fell to the ground, let out a cry of pain and clutched his thigh.

"Oh hell-", Tony began, as the door of the truck opened and about ten men ran out, surrounded us and pointed their guns at us. "Hands up, drop your weapons!", one of them shouted. Two more trucks turned up around the corner.

Kourtney and I immediately did as he said, but Tony still pointed his gun at them.

"Last chance. Drop it.", a man said. "Tony.", I whispered. But he didn't listen. One of the men pounced on him and another one kicked him in the stomach.

"Get up.", he ordered and they led us in front of their truck. "Keep those hands up.", a man with long blonde hair and a beard said and started searching us for hidden weapons. "Damn, did you have to kill a hunter for this?", he laughed as he viewed the guns we just found.

I decided it was for the best not to answer. "How are you holding up, Simon?", another blond one, who was searching Kourtney, asked. "I'm alright, it's just the leg.", he said with clenched teeth. The man named Simon used his giant rifle to stand up. "I'm going to enjoy this.", he declared and drew another gun from his belt and loaded it.

"Wait-", Kourtney began. "Shut up, bitch.", a big man with an even bigger beard growled. Suddenly, a whistle broke our heavy breathing. It was calm but still scary; the whistle came closer. 

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