Chapter Two

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Everyone got down on their knees as a man with a baseball bat resting on his shoulder turned up behind the open door. He wore a black leather jacket and had black hair. He whistled again and looked around.

Then he started grinning. "Well, that was adorable.", he said to Tony and continued walking around us. He stopped to give Simon his scarf. "Tie it over the wound.", he said. Simon groaned as he tightened the knot on his thigh.

"Now.", the man said and turned around. "Let's start from the top." Three men got up and forced us on our knees. "I'm Negan." He looked down at us expectantly. "This is the part where you say your names."

"Tony.", Tony said and looked at him grimly. "Kourtney.", my sister managed to whisper. My throat tightened. I panicked, my throat seemed constricted and I couldn't even blurt out my name.

Negan sighed. He looked around, thinking. Then he crouched down and propped himself up on the bat. "What's your name, darling?", he said. I felt how he looked at me but I just stared at his bat and finally got myself to answer. "Nova."

Negan smirked. "See? Wasn't that hard."

He got up and scratched his chin. "I'm sorry we've made such a strong first impression, but in our defense, we just mirrored your pathetic actions. Which brings me to my next question. Why did you do it?" He looked at Tony. "Why did you shoot at him?", he repeated.

"W-we thought he was the only one.", Tony said and looked at the floor. Negan pursed his lips. "Oh shit. And then you were just gonna take everything he had? Answer me.", he demanded after nobody said something. Tony hesitated. Just like me, he wasn't sure what Negan wanted to hear. "Yeah.", Tony said.

"Okay.", Negan said. "Yeah. That makes sense. You need supplies, so you're just gonna shoot poor Simon here," -he pointed at him with his bat- "Who was trying to take a piss? That's so not cool." After a long pause he added. "See, I get why you did that. I really do. But I just can't let that slide."

I heard Kourtney was holding her breath. She knew, just like me, that there was no way we were going to make it out of this alive. "The funny thing is, we do the same thing you were so pathetically attempting to do.", Negan continued.

"Only smarter. We save people. We use them as resources and we take half their shit. This-", he picked up Tony's backpack, "-is some really good shit. And I think whereve you live, you've got more of that shit... Long story short, you're gonna tell us where your camp is and how many people you got, or else- Well, you can imagine what else.", he chuckled and turned the bat in his hand.

I gathered all my courage and said what was nothing but the truth, "We don't have a camp. It's only us three." I forced myself to look at Negan. I couldn't read a single expression on his face. He raised his eyebrows. "Damn. That's shitty... For you.", he added. "You know why? Because now I don't have any use for you anymore."

I flinched as he raised his bat which was covered with razor wire. "Boss?", one man behind him said. "What if she's lying and they do have a camp?" Negan answered without turning around.

"Well that, Dwighty-boy, would be even shittier for them. Because they know that they are in a bad fucking position to lie to me right now." Kourtney nodded barely noticeable. "Still- We're gonna go check it out. Come on."

I didn't realize he was talking to me. "What?", I asked. "You're gonna take me to your camp. Or whatever that is. I want to see it. Get up.", he said. I looked at Tony, uncertainly. "Don't make me ask again.", Negan said. That finally got me on my feet. "It's ten minutes away from here.", I said.

"Great." Negan looked around. "Simon, if we're not back in thirty minutes, shoot both of them. Let's go." He grabbed me by the upper arm. "What?" I shouted as he pulled me away from them. "Leave them alone!" Negan's grip around my arm tightened.

All of this didn't make any sense. Why would he go with me alone? If we really had a community, we would be able to take down one person. He probably knew that I was telling the truth and was just doing all this for his own entertainment. Disgusting guy. I dared to take a look at him. He was whistling to himself again.

With every step I took I became more optimistic about the fact that I could somehow get me and my siblings out of this alive. I just had to show that I wasn't hiding anything.

"So, Nova... Tell me a bit about yourself.", Negan suddenly said. "What? What should I say?" "Well, for example what you did before all this went to shit.", he suggested.

I laughed. "I was a medical student, about to get my first degree."

"Medicine, huh?", he said. Something about that word seemed to trigger something in him.

"It's here.", I said after a few minutes of very awkward silence. "What, that?", Negan said and pointed at our tents. "Hell, you weren't lying, you ain't got shit.", he laughed.

Negan stepped forward and ducked under our provisional alarm systems. "Cozy.", he remarked. Negan took a peek at everything we had, which wasn't much, until he reached a place I actually hoped he wouldn't find. Our parent's graves.

"Oh damn.", Negan said and pointed at them. "Those of your parents?" I looked away and nodded. "Yeah, that sucks." he stated and leaned on a tree. After a few moments of silence he asked, "How'd it happen?"

I bit my lip. "It just... happened. Dozens of biters came out of nowhere and grabbed us. Our parents tried to hold them off but didn't make it, they just..." I felt tears gathering in my eyes and turned away.

"Okay, I changed my mind.", Negan said after a while and lifted his bat. I instantly took a few steps back, but he just swung circles with it in his hand. "Relax. I'm feeling generous today... So I have two options for you.", he began.

"A: you stay in this shitplace, snuggle in with your pans and starve to death within the next few weeks, or B: you come with us, work for me and live a life that your sorry heads can't even dream of. I know what I'd choose."

It took me about ten seconds to make my decision. This was exactly what we were looking for. "Okay. Yes. I mean, I'm in." Negan grinned, "Good. Pack your shit, we're leaving. And hurry up, or Simon is gonna kill your siblings."

"Yeah, he seems to hold a grudge against Tony.", I said as I grabbed some of our belongings. "Can't imagine why.", Negan mumbled. We got interrupted by the sound of cooking pots clanging against each other. A biter was close.

"Don't look at me, go for it!", Negan said and leaned back. "But- I don't have a weapon.", I said. Negan didn't look like he cared. I sighed. I never took out a biter without a weapon, so I decided to work with my surroundings.

I quietly ducked under the rope and snuck up on the biter. Then I grabbed it by the back of its head and pushed it against the nearest tree. Not strong enough, though, the thing was still on its feet. I gritted my teeth and somehow managed to throw it on the ground.

I placed my left foot on its throat and used the other one to bash the biter's brain in, until it finally stopped growling. "Wow.", Negan commented. "That was energetic! I have a good message for you: you'll never have to do that again. Kill those fuckers, yes, but not without a weapon. We got everything you can think of, and even more probably. So let me tell you- you made the right choice."

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