Chapter Three

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Two minutes later we were back on our way to the road. I had brought clothes and a few crumpled pictures of us with our parents. Negan clapped his hands and said, "Okay people, Nova and I have an announcement to make." Then he looked at me expectantly.

I cleared my throat. "Uhm... He invited us to go to his place. In exchange for food and shelter we work for the community. You don't have to, if you don't want to, it's your choice. But I'm in."

Negan inhaled with a hiss and patted me on my back. "Yup, that kind of wrapped it up. Now make your decision, I ain't got all day." Tony and Kourtney exchanged glances, then nodded. I exhaled in relief. This was going to change everything.

"Mag-nificent!", Negan said and spun a little circle. "Welcome to the goddamn Saviors. Let's go." We entered the black caravan. "Oh and Tony, I gotta warn you.", I heard Negan say to my brother after I'd already entered the vehicle.

"You of all people have to be really careful. I normally don't let it slide when someone hurts one of my people. You're an exception. Simon clearly hates your guts, but he won't hurt you. But if you screw something up... Somehow... I won't stop him. So all I'm saying is, don't do something you'll regret.", he finished.

Kourtney and I awkwardly stood next to each other as Tony and Negan, who closed the door, entered the truck. He took a seat on a bench and crossed his feet on the table.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood today. We just made a deal with some folks, the Hilltop. Reasonable people. One of their doctors is in the other truck, we need one for medical purposes. He can get to work immediately and take care of Simon who you shot at."

He pointed at me with his bat. "You haven't finished your training, right? He can help you finish it. We always need doctors." I nodded quickly. "Good, then we already found you a job. What about you?" His bat wandered from me to my sister.

"I... I don't know.", Kourtney said. "I was a teacher but I don't think that would be helpful." Negan smoothed his beard. "We'll find something. And now Mister Sniper-Ace."

"I'm actually pretty good at handling guns.", Tony countered meekly. "Oh I bet my ass you are.", Negan said. "You're also gonna find a place in my ranks. Everyone who wants to can."

Unlike us, Negan was a very talkative person. On our way to the Sanctuary, his headquarters, he told us about what they did, the rules there and provided us with detailed examples on why we shouldn't "fuck up", as he called it.

Robbing people of their belongings didn't sound like an honorable way, but we were in a bloody zombie apocalypse. The only thing that mattered was to survive. No matter how. I decided I wouldn't be part of any violence except when my life depended on it. I would do a good thing, I was going to help people. I'd become a doctor. That was my biggest dream ever since I was a child.

When we finally arrived at the Sanctuary, I almost forgot how intimidated and scared I was. The place was just overwhelming. Giant grey buildings towered up. There was a cage with biters in it, probably to keep the others away.

A girl who had put her blonde hair into a tight bun walked towards us. "This is Laura, she'll show you around and stuff.", Negan said and climbed up the stairs, clearly not interested in any further human interaction. A middle aged man got out of the grey truck and joined us.

"Hello.", he said restrainedly and barely looked at us. "You're the doctor?", I asked. He straightened up his white coat. "Indeed I am.", he confirmed. "Doctor Emmet Carson, nice to meet you." We shook hands and my siblings waved at him.

"Okay, you're all here because you're going to work for and as the Saviors.", Laura explained. A girl dressed in black with silver jewelry who was standing next to her was staring at us creepily. I looked away. "We have rules here. Everyone gets a number. If you take something, you register it. What's your name?", she asked me.

"Nova.", I said. The girl pulled a pen out of her pocket and gave it to Laura. "Okay. You're number 413. Don't forget it." When she finished assigning everybody a number, her and the other girl walked us through the Sanctuary.

"This is my girlfriend, by the way. Xyla.", Laura explained. "Hi.", I said. She didn't answer. On our way through the place they introduced us to a few people. One of them was Dwight, who I already knew from earlier. His wife Sherry and her sister Tina lived here too.

They also showed us our new quarters. This was pure luxury, everyone had an entire room of their own with beds, cupboards and desks. There were books and even computers. It almost felt like being back to normal again.

"That guy you shot at back there-", I heard Xyla say to Tony. "That's my uncle." I stopped walking and turned around. Tony seemed pale. "I- I'm sorry. He'll make it, right?", he said carefully.

"Of course he will.", I intervened. "It's nothing serious, I'll be able to treat it." Now Xyla was x-raying me with her creepy killer-look. "Sure you will.", she said, walked past me and took Laura's hand. Nice people, I thought.

In these walls you could block out the outside world. Xyla dropped me and Dr Carson off at the infirmary and Laura took Tony and Kourtney to their new workplaces.

Dr Carson started to eye all the tools and medicine the Saviors owned, drew a notebook and started writing in it. A knock at the door made me wince. I turned around, it was Simon. He sat down on the sickbed.

Dr Carson carefully removed Negan's scarf and puckered his face. "Oh good lord, what happened there?", he asked. Simon looked at me and forced himself to smile. "I think your new medical student should tell you."

Dr Carson looked at me questioningly. "Ton- My brother shot at him." Dr Carson nodded. "Ah. My condolences." I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Dr Carson looked like he didn't know how to say what he was thinking. "Well I suppose if he shot at someone, he isn't-"

"No, Emmet, he's alive. Yet. And could you please take care of my leg now before I bleed to death?", Simon sighed. Dr Carson drew a torch and examined Simon's wound.

"Nova, pass me the disinfectant.", he ordered. I rushed to the cupboard and grabbed the bottle. "This might burn a bit.", he warned. Simon sibilantly exhaled through his mouth as Dr Carson cleaned his wound.

"You're lucky the shot only grazed you.", Dr Carson said. "It'll be easy to treat." "Lucky...?", Simon repeated and stifled another comment. "Gauze plasters.", Dr Carson demanded and stretched out his hand.

Two minutes later Simon was good to go and left, but not without scowling at me. Now that I thought about it I was glad that Tony had missed that shot, otherwise he probably wouldn't be alive right now.

Thirty minutes later, Tina and her sister entered the room. I scanned their bodies and saw that none of them were hurt or anything. "What can we do for you?", I asked. "My sister has diabetes.", Sherry explained. "She needs meds, otherwise-"

"Sure, I got it.", Dr Carson said. "Sit down here, please." Tina took a seat and Dr Carson took some of her blood. "Nova, you know what to do, I suppose?.", he said and handed me the syringe. Thank god I actually knew. I had studied diabetes for weeks for a technical paper and knew pretty much everything there was about it.

Tina's condition was about to worsen, so it was a good thing they had visited us. "Here's a list of nutrients you need to take in.", Dr Carson said, "And you should come in for weekly checks. Just to make sure." Tina thanked us, she and her sister said goodbye and left.

Those were the only patients we got for today, we pretty much had free time for the rest of the day. I spent it reading, and Dr Carson quizzed me. He reminded me of my former doctor.

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