Chapter 1

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You'd been hired as Tony Stark's new assistant about a week after the news of his and Pepper's divorce went public last year. It had been messy, expensive and extremely public and while yea you did feel kind of bad for all the things Pepper had to endure over the years from Tony you still felt worse for Tony because of how she'd chosen to let him know how she was filing for a divorce.

You'd just gotten to your office after having a brief chat with your new boss, Tony Stark, about which office you'd like to take since there were more than plenty that was empty. "I'll take the smallest one, for now, sir. I don't have much stuff and I don't want my co-workers to think that I'm some sort of snob." You said as you hefted the box higher in your arms. Tony stood up and walked around his desk and opened the door for you and said, "Sweetie, if you wanted my office all you'd have to do is say the word but since you're being so cordial about all of this, the office you just picked out is down the hallway the last door on your right." He pointed towards your right indicating which way you should turn and you nodded and thanked him.

You sat down your stuff and turned on the TV that was hung against the wall and started to pull things out of the box to decorate your desk but the images on the screen caused you to stop and gasp in horror. There on the TV was none other than Pepper Potts-Stark. "So, Pepper. How are things between you and Tony these days? You still own...what was it? Twenty percent of the company?" A blonde female reporter asked her. Pepper smiled but it was the kind of smile that didn't reach her eyes and she responded, "Twelve percent of the company and I'm actually glad you mentioned him because you see I wanted to be the first person to let the world know that I'm filing for divorce." You were so stunned that instead of freezing in your spot you ran to the door and yanked it open and sprinted down the hallway towards your boss's office praying that you found him before anyone else did.

Not finding him there you sprinted around the floor desperately looking for him when you finally found him in a meeting with the rest of the Avengers. "Oh, hey (Y/N). Ladies and assholes, this is my new assistant (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N). Be nice to her or I will punch you in the throats, ladies that goes for you too." He joked. As he turned back around though, he noticed the look on your face and stepped out into the hall with you. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you're quitting already!" He groaned. "No, Mr. Stark, I'm not quitting but you need to get back to your office NOW. There's something that just happened that I think you might need to see." You said as you quickly walked back to his office and once you were both inside locked the door behind you.

"Hehe. I usually wait until after the first month but if you want to get things started this quickly then by all means." Tony said as you shoved him into his chair and you rolled your eyes. You'd known, going in, that you'd be dealing with his unique sense of humor. "No. LOOK!" You said as you spun the chair around and the footage replayed of Pepper saying that she was divorcing him came on the screen as he flicked through every major news channel and it was repeated over and over. It was deathly quiet for several very tense minutes until he quietly said, "Thank you, (Y/N). You can leave me for now." You turned and walked to the door and unlocked it and slipped out as quietly as you could not wanting anyone, especially Tony, to see how brokenhearted you were for him as you trudged back to your office.

You'd met Pepper a couple of times when you were interning for her back in college and, while she was a professional woman, she'd given you the impression that she lacked tact when it came to certain things and what she'd done today was rock solid proof of that. A loud crash and a wrecked wail about an hour later brought you back to reality as you looked around and saw several people including a few Avengers sprinting towards Tony's office. Figuring that they could help him better than you could you decided to let them go on in as you quietly walked into your office and shut the door behind you. You sat down at your desk and turned on the computer and began the long and tedious task of sorting through all the e-files of Tony's taxes over the years and began to categorize them according to year.

A knock at the door several hours later made your head jerk around and you called, "Come in!" Several moments went by and then the door slowly swung open to reveal a very drunk Tony who was clinging onto Steve with one arm and had a bottle of alcohol in the other hand. "He wanted to come to see you," Steve explained and you nodded as you stood up and made room for Tony on the leather couch that was in your office. You'd wonder why a couch was in your office when you first walked in but thought nothing of it but now you knew. This was more than likely where Tony slept when he stayed at the compound and now that things were officially over between he and Pepper it looked like he'd be sleeping over more often until he could find a different place to live.

"H-Hey...preety lady. Y-You shouldn't work so hard." Tony slurred as Steve laid him on the couch and immediately pinched the bridge of his nose and then gave you an "I'm so sorry" look. You waved a hand at Steve as if to say it was nothing but before you could actually answer him with words Tony had poked Steve in the stomach taking him completely by surprise and almost causing him to stumble backward into a fake plant by the door. "Hey, Mr. Murica! Dis ish MY PREETY LADY! G-GO GET YOUR OWN!" Tony half yelled as he sloshed what smelled like whiskey on the gorgeous white shag carpet. "Alright, ya know what? That's it we're taking you back to your old spare apartment until you sober up." Steve growled hauling Tony up over his shoulder.

"OY! HEY! WHAT YA DOIN YA DONKEY?!" Tony yelled in surprise and you couldn't help but start laughing at his choice insult of Steve. Tony stopped struggling to get down and looked up at you with a boyish lopsided grin and said, "I...I like it when you giggle. It sounds...preety. Like you, preety lady!" You'd both managed to get him to the elevator when you and Steve both heard it. A loud gurgling sound and you both froze and looked at Tony who looked up at you and whimpered, "I dun feel good." Scrambling to the nearest office you almost cried in relief as you saw a small trash bin with a plastic bag in it and grabbed it and hauled ass back to where Steve was standing looking horrified at Tony who was now covered in sweat. "Here, Steve!" You said as you pitched him the trash can and he sat it down in front of Tony just as he began to vomit.

Wrinkling your nose at the sound and definitely the smell you headed back to your office only to realize that it was way past time for you to clock out. You wrote yourself a Post-It on the file you were at and then logged out and grabbed all of your stuff before getting up and walking to the door and switching off the light as you walked out into the hallway and shut the door behind you. Thankfully, Tony was no longer being sick in the elevator but seeing as how you could still smell sick in the elevator you decided on using the stairs instead. Things went on like this for about two weeks before you got a text from a random number one evening telling you that you needed to stay late for an impromptu meeting after work with the Avengers.

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