Chapter 3

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The Paris mansion had been a bust however gorgeous it might have been. You'd taken great pleasure in hiding all of the liquor in places you knew Stark would never look. The same happened in Ireland to your great disappointment. You finally land on the private airstrip that is reserved specifically for Tony at the Heathrow airport four days after your initial briefing of the situation and a few security stops later. Instead of going straight to the mansion you booked a hotel room and stayed there overnight to sleep off your jet lag and also to give yourself time to come up with some type of plan to get Tony Stark also known as the most stubborn Avenger back to work.

After breakfast you masturbated quickly and only came once before quickly showering then grabbed your bags and hopped in the car that Clint was waiting for you in at the curb and after a fifteen-minute drive pull up to the most gorgeous mansion you've laid eyes on to date. Clint helps you out of the car and as he does he says, "Go on in, I'll worry about the luggage."

You nod still a little starstruck by the mansion you're about to set foot in and starts to walk up the stairs leading to the front door. As soon as you get there, a tiny elderly woman that stands no higher than your shoulders opens the door for you. "Hello, love. He's right through here." She says in a beautiful English accent.

"Here you are, deary. He might be in the toilet just now but feel free to make yourself at home. Just don't be looking for him to be in a chipper mood. Apparently, all those bloody meetings that heartless bitch was going to was really meetins with her lawyers. He's just got the divorce papers this mornin." She says as she leads you upstairs to the smallest of the bedrooms. You thank her and as soon as she leaves, you run over to the window and yank it open to let some of the stale air and smell of alcohol and cigar smoke out. "Hey." A gruff male voice says from across the room to your right and you damn near jump out of your skin as you turn and look over at Tony. He looks like hell, there are dark bags under his eyes and his eyes themselves are red and puffy, his hair is greasy and it looks (and quite frankly smells) like he's not had a shower in two or three days.

"Alright, you need a shower." You say as you walk around the bed and open up the other window. "Already giving out orders and you haven't even been here a full day? Griselda is going to have my head!" Tony says with a smirk but pulls his shirt off anyways and chucks it in the dirty clothes hamper. You'd just reached down to pick up a handful of empty sweet wrappers when you stand back up and come face to face with Tony Stark in nothing but a pair of skin-tight boxer briefs. "Like what ya see, baby?" He asks with a wink and you deposit the trash in the bin next to the door and pick up a book that's in the bookshelf beside the window as you turn back towards him and throw it at him.

"SHOWER! NOW!" You yell as he yelps and ducks. "WAS THAT MY FIRST EDITION HEMINGWAY?!" He yells as he begins to stomp towards you. "ANTHONY EDWARD STARK, SO HELP ME IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS IN THAT SHOWER I WILL DRAG YOU IN THERE MY DAMN SELF!" You growl at him. "Promises, promises, sweetheart." He drawls leaning against the door to the bathroom and smirks and that's when your patience snaps and you grab him by the hair and begin dragging him into the bathroom. "Ow! Hey watch the hair Princess! And if you wanted it rough all you had to do was ask!" He purrs as you open the door and lead him over to the enormous shower that actually had floor to ceiling windows installed in it so you could look outside while you took a shower. Thankfully, it wasn't facing towards a road or else you'd have to jump in the lake out back once it was time for you to shower.

You still have a hold of Tony's hair as you turn the water on and get it just a tad bit warmer than what they have it set at to sterilize surgical equipment with and then you let go of Tony's hair and growl, "If you don't smell like overly expensive dude-bro soap and one of your usual obnoxious cologne's when you step out of here I promise you that you will not like the results. Now take all the time you need. I'm going to talk to Griselda about something." You turn on your heel and stomp out of the room. You notice that Tony is left with a slightly stunned look on his face and a small smirk plasters itself on your face as you march out of the bedroom and downstairs to see where Griselda is only to run into Clint in the hallway.

"So, you and Tony had a, I hear." He says smirking at you. You try so damn hard not to look over at him but you can't help yourself and as soon as you do, both you and Clint stagger to a stop and are bent double with tears of laughter streaming down both of your faces. " threw...a book at him?" Clint wheezes. You're laughing so hard that you could barely breath let alone speak so all you can do is simply nod as you fall against the wall. "Did... Did he... finally, take a shower?" Clint asks weakly wiping his eyes. You nod again as you hug your aching sides and Clint bursts into a fresh round of laughter. You fall sideways onto the floor in the fetal position as you howl with hysterical laughter. After a good ten minutes, both of you have managed to calm down and Clint helps you to your feet.

"Thank you," Clint says as he slings an arm around your shoulder companionably as you walk down the stairs trying to find the maid. "Miss Griselda?" You call as you reach the bottom of the stairs. "I'm in here, love!" She calls from the kitchen. You smile as you walk in the kitchen and are immediately greeted by the most delicious smells. "I see you've gotten him to get his arse out of bed. I thank you for that, my dear." Griselda says as she nods in your general direction. "If you want you can go walking round the house a bit while I get the food ready. How's that sound?" Griselda says with a huge smile on her face. "I think that sounds absolutely splendid, Griselda. Thank you for the thought." A voice says softly right behind you and you jump, turn and find yourself face to face with Tony Stark, fresh out of the shower smelling and looking like walking sin. "Shall we?" He asks as he offers his arm and swallowing hard you slide your arm through his and let him lead you away from Clint and Griselda around the house.

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