Chapter 24 The End

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You and Tony's wedding takes place during the third weekend of October in upstate New York. Steve has agreed to walk you down the aisle since your parents can't make it the day of the wedding due to health reasons but it's broadcast live on Facebook and they watch every single second of it. It had taken you several weeks of pouring over websites and going from shop to shop until finally, you end up finding the perfect dress imaginable and Natasha almost burst into tears when you stepped out of the dressing room to reveal it to her and the other bridesmaids that you'd chosen.

Tony left the color scheme up to you and he was honestly quite glad he did because while he was good with architectural color schemes he already knew he would have fucked up monumentally when it came to the wedding. When you came to him a month after he'd proposed and told him you wanted a fall color scheme of dark green, burgundy, and cream he almost cried he was so relieved. "Are you sure, sweetheart?" He asks as he pulls you onto his lap. "Yes, love. I'm sure." You say as you smile and lean down and kiss him. "I love you." He whispers as he kisses you back. "I love you too." You whisper back before laying your head on his shoulder and he asks himself for the umpteenth time how the hell he could have gotten so lucky.

At one point, when he'd first met you, his life had looked bleaker than ever before. But once he'd actually pulled his head out of his ass and looked around he saw that his life was actually not that bad. It was only rocky because of the things that he'd decided to do without thinking about them that caused him and his life such turmoil. Once he'd started cutting all the toxic people and things out of his life or at least cut down significantly it felt as though he could breathe and he couldn't help but give you most of the credit because he knew that if it were left up to him that the Avengers would have found him dead in a ditch somewhere with his cock half rotted off from all the loose women he'd have bedded.

As he looked up and saw you walking down the aisle in that gorgeous wedding dress he finally broke down and his father clapped a hand on his shoulder and said, "You found a good one son. Treat her right." Tony nods as his mother rubs his back and you finally after what seems like an eternity worth of eternities make your way to the altar and is standing in from of him. The ceremony is beautiful and funny and everything the two of you wanted it to be. As the priest pronounced you man and wife and that you could kiss several explosions happened which caused some in the audience to gasp and scream but then they realized that white rose petals were now raining down on the two of you and everyone standing at the altar and the entire congregation exploded into screams and cheers for the new Mr. and Mrs. Tony Stark.

The day went by in a blur and soon it was just the Avengers left after everyone else had wished you congratulations and were still laughing and talking about how Tony had not only taken your garter belt off with his teeth but had done so in a way that caused you to blush redder than his Iron Man suit. "Tony, it's time for us to go," Maria says softly as she walks up beside him. Instantly, Tony's eyes fill with tears and he buries his face in her shoulder and sobs, "Please don't. I don't wanna lose you guys again!" Howard pulls him from his mother's arms and says, "Tony, listen to me carefully. I know that our deaths were sudden and that you never really got to make amends with either of us for the things that we did and didn't do that upset you. But I want you to know that your mother and I are both so proud of you and we love you more than anything in this world. Nothing will ever change that but...we must go back to our own time. I know it hurts but you can do this."

Maria nods at her husband's words and says, "You have a beautiful wife to help keep you out of trouble now. Oh, sweetheart please don't cry. It's only goodbye for a while." Tony nods and hugs them both tightly and then says, "I love you both too. And I'll try to be better than what I was." They both nod as Stephen walks up in between both of them and says, "It's time." Tony wraps his arms around you and sobs as he watches Stephen turn and open a portal to the year 1991. "We love you, son," Howard says as he looks back one last time and Tony gasps as he sees tears on his father's cheeks. "Love you too." Tony croaks as he watches his parents walk through the portal and then fade as the portal shuts on Howard waving and Maria blowing Tony a kiss.

"It's ok baby. It's ok." You say as Tony let's out a heartbroken wail and you wrap your arms around him tightly. He buries his face in your shoulder and you hold him as tightly as you can trying to pull all the broken pieces back together for him.

*fast forward a year*

You and Tony have been happily married and are now expecting although he doesn't know that yet. You've called all the Avengers together to announce the big surprise and you can't help but giggle as Tony walks in looking as though he's walking to the gallows. "Uh...sweety? Is everything alright?" He asks as he walks over to you. "Everything is quite alright my dear. Is everyone here?" You ask as you look around and everyone nods. You smile as you take everyone in and note that even Loki himself showed up for the occasion.

You back away from Tony and turn and grab the positive pregnancy test off the table that you'd hidden up until time for the surprise party then turn back to him and say, "Tony...I love you." Tony's eyes immediately narrow and he says, "What did you do?" You and several others crack up laughing as you walk back over to him and hand him the stick and say, "Not me, *us.* Congrats Daddy."

The room holds it's breath as they watch Tony look down at the pregnancy test then back up at you several times before he manages to say, "This is real?" You nod happily and then scream as he hugs you and twirls you around and just like a year before at your wedding the room erupts into cheers and screams of delight and you knew that all would be well.

The End. 

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