Chapter 16

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At once the mood in the room changes dramatically and several people begin talking at once. "We need to sedate her!" Several people cry. "No, we need to get the room ready for her to be moved in!" A few Wakandans say over everyone else. This continues until Tony stands up on the couch, puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles, loud and shrill. Everyone in the room claps their hands to their ears and immediately shuts up and glares at Tony who jumps off the couch and says, "Now that I've got everyone's attention, you're actually all right. We do need to sedate her and we also need to get the room ready that she'll be in once we get to Wakanda."

Everyone has a sense of urgency to get you sedated as quickly and safely as possible then onto a QuinJet to Wakanda fast. A tiny, warm sense of hope began to grow and spread around the room as people finally begin to figure out that there is a way to save you. A way to bring Tony Stark's true love back to him and it went unspoken that as soon as you were in your right mind that Tony would profess his love to you because he might not get another chance again.

"I'll get the QuinJet up and running that way as soon as you sedate her we can immediately get her on-board and head for Wakanda. I'm going to call up security and have them make sure that our flight plan is completely invisible to everyone except Wakanda and us on the QuinJet." Clint says in Tony's ear. Tony nods and Clint takes off sprinting towards the door. "Hey Tony, I have a few different types of sedatives and I was just wondering which one you'd want me to try first. I mean, I know that we need to sedate her to be safe, but are we talking completely asleep or just really out of it so that she can still react?" Bruce asks as he finally gets over to Tony after everyone clears out to start getting ready for the trip to Wakanda.

Tony thinks long and hard about which sedative they should use on you and finally says, "We should have her completely under. That way her body and mind can get as much rest as possible on the way there." He'd no sooner gotten those words out of his mouth than a gut-wrenching, soul-crushing scream echoes up the hallway from the security room. Without a moment's hesitation, Tony, Bruce and the few people that were left in the living room bolt down the hallway and into the security room only to skid to a halt. In a few seconds, the rest of the Avengers and everyone else runs into the room and several people let out gasps of horror.

"So I'm guessing you're wondering why I'm contacting you at all. Especially after I made it so publicly known that I wanted nothing more to do with any of you. Well you see, that would be because I am the reason why (Y/N) is in the state they're in. I wanted Anthony Edward fucking Stark to feel the exact gut-wrenching pain that I felt for all those years that he let me, knowingly or unknowingly, be in the direct line of fire in all of his idiotic world avenging schemes. Oh don't get me wrong, I don't want the narcissistic prick back at all. I just want him to feel what I felt for oh so many years." A woman's voice sneers from all the monitors in the room.

Several of the females are crying, tears streaming silently down their faces at the absolute ultimate betrayal that they've just suffered. Most of the men are tight-lipped and shaking from head to toe as they glare up at the face that's smirking down at them. Tony, however, is shaking so badly that his knees give out from beneath him and his ends up falling to them as he looks up at the biggest monitor in the room. "Did ya miss me, Tony?" Pepper coos in a mocking voice as she laughs coldly.

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