Chapter 21

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Steve and T'Challa walk out into the courtyard after making sure that they have everything that they could possibly need concealing on their persons. "Pepper, please. You don't have to do this. You can walk away and let (Y/N) and Tony live happily ever after." Steve pleads as they all walk in from opposite sides at the same time. "And why would I do that huh? Before you so rudely interrupted me by disconnecting the computer, I was actually telling you why. But now that you can't do that allow me to finish what I was saying." Pepper snarls as she storms up to him. "That sanctimonious asshole has gotten himself and the Avengers into more shit that one person should be legally allowed and then has had to drag himself and everyone around him into the legal battles that follow once the threat is dealt with! My name is mud in my home town and I'm absolutely sick of being known as Mrs. Tony Stark or having someone come up to me when I'm trying to relax and asking if I'm not the one who's husband was the one who sold arms to the black market or was involved in the Sokovia disaster or was the one who did a hundred thousand other fucked up things that for some reason the world thinks I should answer for as well and I'm done, Steven!"

Steve raises his hands and takes a step back and says, "Pepper I get it ok? I really do. Tony can be an asshole at times and it's not just you that he drags down, it's all of us. But to go this far? To literally team up with the organization responsible for the deaths of his parents? That's low Pepper and I've fought some enemies that have done some pretty fucked up things but even they wouldn't stoop this low. Why did you do this Pepper?" Pepper glares daggers at him and T'Challa simply looks over at him as if he's slightly lost his marbles for a moment. "You really want to know why Captain? I'll fucking do you one better. I'LL SHOW YOU WHY!" She growls as she begins to glow from the inside out and Steve realizes that Tony never actually cured her he just caused the Extremis virus to go dormant within her. "Jesus fucking Christ! T'CHALLA MOVE!" He roars as she opens her mouth and a jet of flame comes out of her mouth. "YOU NEVER TOLD ME SHE COULD BREATH FIRE!" T'Challa yells as he scrambles to his feet and yanks his robes off and reveals the Black Panther suit underneath. Steve sprints behind a statue as she inhales for another round and yells back, "I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW! EVERYONE THOUGHT THAT STARK HAD CURED HER!" Fire erupts from her mouth once again as both Steve and T'Challa dive apart and Steve quickly gives the signal to Natasha and Okoye.

Natasha quickly darts around behind Pepper and her small unit of soldiers and looks for a way through then whispers to Okoye, "You and the Dora Milaje are going to have to engage the soldiers. Be warned though, they're stronger, faster, and tougher than they look. As soon as there's an opening, I'm going for Pepper and hopefully, I'll end this once and for all." Okoye nods then relays the message back to her warriors then waits for Natasha to get into an optimal position before she looks back and nods and she and the Dora Milaje all run screaming towards the soldiers who turn to see what this new commotion is and are immediately engaged. Natasha watches the battle for a few moments and smiles as the Dora all work as one single unit taking down the biggest threat then working towards the smallest. She looks back towards Pepper and realizes with a gasp that she'd almost missed her chance as the Dora and the soldiers all split almost perfectly down the middle and she raises up from where she's been crouching and takes off sprinting as fast and hard as she can.

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