Chapter 4

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As you and Tony walk around the house he begins to point out certain things to you. "You see that picture right there?" He asks pointing to a gorgeous rainy landscape picture in a silver frame. "Mhm." You answer quietly, your mouth having gone dry all of a sudden. "That is a Gustave Caillebotte. It's called The Yerres, Effects of Rain." He says completely ignoring the painting and watching you instead. He'd never tell anyone but he loves the way you look at things like paintings or drawings with wide-eyed wonder. He'd noticed that first thing about you when you'd arrived at the Tower for your interview. You'd been so in awe of the portraits in his waiting area you almost hadn't heard your name being called.

He also loves the way that you always want to learn more about anything and everything. How you never want to stop learning. He'd never tell anyone how it makes his black heart twist and beat once again within him when you would bite your lip in concentration when you got ahold of a subject that truly interests you. How you make it a point to read up on everything you can about the subject. He'd never admit it to anyone even himself that he's falling at terminal velocity for you. It makes him feel like he's almost a decent human being. Almost.

He continues walking on and points to another painting, "This one is another one I quite enjoy." You gasp loudly and run over to it because you actually know who painted this one. "Tony! You never told me that you're a fan of Monet!" You say as you look back over your shoulder at him. "Of course I'm a fan of money how else do you think I bought all this?" He sasses as he walks up to you smirking and lays his chin on your shoulder. "Seriously, you really just bought it for that reason didn't you?" You say looking at Tony who couldn't help but burst into laughter and you follow holding your sides. After several minutes of you laughing against each other, you both finally pull yourselves together.

"I heard that you've already gotten the divorce papers. I'm so sorry for all of this, Tony." You say softly as you continue looking at the painting. "It's fine. I mean, I guess I should've seen it coming what with the way I work and play. Not a lot of people, women especially, can handle this type of lifestyle." He answers back quietly as he continues to watch you with soft eyes. "It still sucks though. I mean, what kind of person announces to their spouse on live television that they're getting a divorce? You deserved better, Tony." You growl semi-protectively at him as you turn and face him. He smiles a half smile at you as he pulls you to him for a hug and says, "Thank you, (Y/N.) You really don't know how much that means to me." He quickly lets you go though because the perfume that you're wearing has his cock really interested in what's going on

"Come on I've got something else I want to show you." He says as he grabs your hand and pulls you down the hallway towards the back of the house. You can barely keep up and can't take anything in that you are passing until he stops and you look around you in confusion until he snorts and put a finger under your chin and turns your head to the side. As he does so, he smirks and you swear you feel yourself starting to get wet but you remind yourself mentally that you aren't here to flirt. You are here to help Tony get back on his feet, that way he can go back to work and being the annoying little shit that everyone loves.

As soon as your eyes focus on what it was you are seeing you gasp and look back at Tony and ask, "May I?" Tony, who is trying desperately to hide the fact that he'd just fallen hard and fast for the (Y/H/C) girl standing in front of him, simply smiles and nods and like a shot you open the doors into the greenhouse and are running through the place giggling. "Oh, Tony it's beautiful!" You cry as you round a corner and spot your favorite type of flowers in the world. Tony leans against the door frame and mumbles to himself as he closes his eyes for a moment, "Yea, but not as beautiful as you." Running his hand over his face and the back of his neck he groans softly as he hears you gasp again and the vision of you gasping his name as you writhe naked beneath him pops unbidden into his head and his eyes shot open quickly as he stands up straight again and begins to stretch his arms.

"You never stretch unless your thinking dirty thoughts about someone and you don't want them to catch you, Stark. What's going on?" Clint's voice comes from behind Stark scaring him slightly. "Don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, bird boy," Stark says as he watches you kneel down and pet one of the cats that had made itself at home in the rarely used greenhouse. "Bull fucking shit, Stark. You're looking at her like you used to look at Pepper right after you figured out how desperately in love you were with her." Clint says as he watches Tony fidget, even more, the longer he talks. "Is there a reason why you're here or did you just come over to meet your 'I've annoyed the piss out of Tony to the point where he wants to strangle me' quota?" Tony growls as he keeps his eyes on you as you pick the cat up and hold it against your chest and scratch under its chin.

"You're so far gone for her it's not even bloody funny, Stark. But no I actually did come to tell you that the food's ready. Also, Griselda says to wash your hands or she'll cut them off." Clint says as he walks away from Tony back up the hallway. "Yea, yea!" Tony says as he flips Clint the bird and then looks back up to see you standing in front of him holding the cat. "Well, who do we have here?" Tony asks as he leans down to get a closer look at the small cat who was currently curled against your chest purring. A quick flash of you holding Tony like that went through your mind and you had to shake your head as though you were trying to get a fly to go away in order to clear your mind and make sure that you kept things professional. Thankfully Tony didn't seemed to have noticed as you hazarded a glance up at him through your bangs. "Well, since the little fella is gonna be both of ours I was thinking how about Kotetsu?" You say looking up at Tony whose face at first register blank shock and then a smile slowly spreads on his face. "Little iron. I think it's perfect. But what did you mean when you said both of ours?" He asks cautiously, hoping and praying inside that you're going to say that you aren't just going to blow into his already chaotic life, mess his head and heart up worse than they already were, and then just as quickly disappear, as you shut the door and then put the cat down who meows happily and streaks down the hallway.

"Well, since we're both going to be here for a while longer we can both take care of him. That makes him both of ours." You say smiling after the playful cat who was now sitting stock still watching a red dot coming from a laser pointer that Clint is hanging over the back of the couch pointing at the wall. "Food's ready." Griselda calls and Clint flips right side up and puts the pointer down causing Kotetsu to look at the wall in confusion. "Aww, Clint! You confused him!" You yell after him as he runs toward the kitchen laughing. You shake your head and pick the cat up and bring it with you into the kitchen completely missing the look of adoration that Tony is giving you behind your back. Nor did you know that he's currently figuratively kicking himself in the ass for falling so fast and hard for you knowing that nothing good would come of it. But oh God how he hopes everything good in the world will come out of it for him.

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